With all the right intentions, hordes of companies—large and small, franchised and wholly owned, domestic and international—have accepted the calling to be good corporate citizens. They are diligently implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs that address sustainability, philanthropy, community involvement, and other goodwill requirements.

According to a recent IBM study, 1,130 CEOs said they plan to increase their corporate citizenship spending by 25%, on average. CSR, then, is still nascent; companies are searching for the basic answers to how much is enough and what really makes a difference to society, for the brand, and to the stakeholders.

Many companies make serious but avoidable mistakes that can overshadow well-intentioned CSR investments. The errors result in damage to the brand and to the "responsible" person's career.

Here are some of the top causes of such mistakes.

1. Misalignment of the cause with the business

A company in the fast-food business probably has no real ability to fix the US educational system. A clothing retailer probably can't solve world hunger. Sure, corporate foundations can give money to other organizations such as nonprofits or nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that have expertise in those areas. However, most likely, the company would be better served if the selected cause leveraged the skills, connections, and resources within the company.

FedEx, for example, donates its transportation services to support emergency situations such as disaster relief and organ transplants. Minneapolis-based Cargill, a large commercial supplier of food ingredients and food-related products and services, actively supports the UN World Food Programme. St. Louis-based Build-A-Bear Workshop uses its products to bring joy to disadvantaged or ill children, and Hewlett Packard donates computers to underserved classrooms.

While simultaneously serving the sales and marketing messages, those causes reflect the business competency, and, as such, the programs make sense to investors, employees, and all partners involved. The unifying and memorable theme helps rally the company's available resources, which deliver something meaningful and have a real impact.

2. Focusing only on one aspect of CSR

I applaud companies that are committed to giving money to local charities, but not if they write checks and then dump manufacturing waste into their community's water supply.

I've seen companies that are intent on improving their environmental sustainability, but at the expense of their human rights or governance policies.

CSR is a very broad subject, and although every aspect is important, addressing the entire range of CSR requirements is critical so that you don't rob Peter to pay Paul.

3. Reporting first

Rather than develop and execute a CSR strategy and handful of programs first, some companies opt to initiate their CSR program with a public report. As a result, they have little to say and show for their efforts but they have "checked the box off" just as if it's a compliance requirement.

That approach shows a lack of understanding of CSR and its impact on the brand, employees, future hiring, investors, and other stakeholders.

Reporting first is a risky thing to do, since it implies a committed direction that may not be fully backed up by infrastructure and resources.

4. Not having a CSR road map

To effectively embrace CSR, you must bring many pieces together, such as the branding, messaging, and strategy, and specific plans across functions—perhaps geographies, too—as well as with affiliates, partners, and suppliers.

Without a plan in place, it is impossible to coordinate the necessary company resources and have everyone committed to being good corporate citizens.

As with building a product, CSR programs have many interdependencies and milestones to coordinate. Without a road map, employees will be in motion but potentially heading to different destinations.

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image of Alyssa Dver

Alyssa Dver is CEO of the American Confidence Institute and chair of the ERG Leadership Alliance.

LinkedIn: Alyssa Dver