Publishers, membership-based organizations, and anyone who manages subscriptions can benefit from triggered emails by using date-based triggers to remind customers to renew. Automating this process saves time and money. Even more important, using triggered emails can significantly boost your response rates on renewals.

The following case studies illustrate how three organizations applied best-practices for deploying triggered emails to drive renewals—and what tips and tricks you can use to do the same.

Case 1: Magazine-Subscription Renewal

Magazines drive revenue from several sources, but the two most prominent are advertising and reader subscriptions.

Although many print publications must use snail mail as their primary vehicle for renewals, adding email and online renewals can decrease cost and boost renewal rates. Here's one potential scenario:

A subscriber signs up online for a one-year subscription to his favorite music magazine. His email address is captured as one of the fields on the subscription form. Though the magazine is a print publication, it need not confine itself to print renewal notices. Why not first send an online renewal?

For example, once a reader subscribes, the reader is automatically added to the triggered email campaign (also called a drip campaign). In 12 months, when the reader's subscription expires, the date-based email is triggered. Here's an example of what your campaign structure might look like:

  • Campaign 1: 30 days before subscription expires, send Reminder 1
  • Campaign 2: One week before subscription expires, send Reminder 2
  • Campaign 3: The day of expiration, send Reminder 3
  • Campaign 4: One week after expiration, send the Final Reminder


If the recipient renews, it's important to remove that person from the series of triggers. For example, if Jane Doe renews after receiving Campaign 1, she doesn't need (or want) to receive emails 2 through 4.

Case 2: Membership Renewals—Visual Art Exchange

Visual Art Exchange (VAE), the oldest private nonprofit visual-arts organization in Raleigh, NC, has had drastic increases in membership renewals and revenue generation since implementing online membership renewals with an auto-responder campaign.

With roughly 500 members and an annual budget of $300K, VAE counts on every dollar. Membership renewals account for roughly 20% of VAE's annual operating budget.

In July, VAE launched its annual membership drive, choosing to implement triggered emails and an online membership-renewal form as its primary marketing vehicle. Similar to the previous example, VAE uses several campaigns before and after the expiration date to encourage members to renew online. Those campaigns are powerful revenue generators, the first of which drove the following impressive results:

  • 54% open rate
  • 15% click-through rate
  • 20% increase in membership renewals from previous year (prior to online auto-responder campaigns)


In addition to triggered emails, VAE is using traditional email marketing as a vehicle to promote the membership campaign. Every newsletter or email update has a link to the membership-renewal form. VAE keeps the registration form to less than 12 questions and uses online payment service PayPal to process payment.

The key was to make it simple for the user to use and for VAE's small staff of four to manage.

"We didn't have the time or money to invest in a sophisticated membership-management system," said Sarah Powers, executive director of VAE. "We use surveys provided by our email-marketing provider to collect member data. Once they hit Submit, they are directed to a page on our website which allows them to choose which level they're going to sign up for. PayPal drives that portion of the process. It's simple, easy to manage, and thus far very effective."

VAE also uses clear subject lines in its auto responders to ensure the recipient understands what action needs to be taken. Some examples:

  • Your Visual Art Exchange Membership Expires in 30 Days—Renew Now
  • Your Visual Art Exchange Membership Expires in 7 Days—Renew Now
  • Your Visual Art Exchange Membership Expires Today—Renew Now


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Winston Bowden is marketing and sales manager at Durham-based Contactology ( Reach him via