Wall Street had a stormy 2008, but there is a silver lining: Industry leaders are now turning to all things "eco" as a new source of (genuine?) green.

Here are the top five green marketing stories from a volatile year—and what they may mean for your business in 2009.

1. Advertising Goes Green and Gets Noticed

The Story: Despite budget cuts across the board, cause-related marketing still enjoyed 3% growth in 2008, and now represents one in nine dollars spent on sponsorships. Wal-Mart, GE, and HSBC won the first-ever Green Effie awards, while other companies like Innocent Smoothies, Cotton USA, and Fiat and EasyJet got accused of making false green marketing claims.

With eco-savvy shoppers on the prowl for truly environmentally sound companies and products, a new site—Greenwashing Index—allows consumers to rate companies' green ad claims.

The Spin: Green marketing campaigns are proving to be a good investment, but they had better hold up under public scrutiny, because consumers also wise up to "greenwashing."

The prospect of free PR from Green Effies and other awards that are popping up will make green an easier sale for marketing departments.

2. Federal Trade Commission Updates Green Marketing Guidelines

The Story: With so many environmental claims sprouting up, the FTC placed updates to its Green Guides, last reviewed in 1998, on a fast track. Among the key topics, carbon offsets were mulled over, green packaging requirements were reevaluated, and green building claims came under scrutiny.

The Spin: Keep an eye out for revised FTC Green Guides in 2009, and heed their advice. Not legally binding, they are the best guidance available for would-be green marketers looking to keep claims on the straight and narrow.

3. Bottled Water Industry Takes a Hit—and Strikes Back

The Story: With environmental consciousness informing consumerism, critics shunned bottled water for its inherent wastefulness and contribution to climate change, particularly in cities with perfectly acceptable drinking water.

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Jacquelyn A. Ottman is president of J. Ottman Consulting, Inc., advisers to industry on green marketing and eco-innovation. She is the author of Green Marketing: Opportunity for Innovation. Contact her via www.greenmarketing.com (info@greenmarketing.com).