Do you really care about your customers? Your marketing communications tell the story—for better or for worse.

I have been a customer of a certain company for over 20 years. Yet, more often than not, I get seemingly great offers from them in the mail, but upon perusing the fine print I discover they are for "new customers only."

Other mailings I receive misspell my name, or they address me as "Dear Friend." Am I your friend?

Reflect back on the last three communications you received from a company with which you do business. What were they? Most likely, they were marketing pieces that someone at that company deemed important to send, such as an upsell, sales offer, or simply a bill or invoice. Now think about what you might have preferred to receive from that company. Acknowledgement of your longevity as a customer? A thank-you note? News that is important—to you?

Every touch from every department is marketing, whether or not the communicator has the official title of "marketer." Each customer interaction, whether via phone, email, direct mail, or Web, leaves an impression about your brand. Are your marketing communications self-serving, or are they serving customer needs?

Consider what the following communications say about your company.

Bills and Invoices

A company can't not send bills and invoices to customers; they are a necessary part of doing business. However, when these are the only types of communications I see as a customer, I feel as if you only love me for my money. Well, do you?


These are great for helping to keep your company top-of-mind with your customers. But what kind of messages are you sending in them?

I knew of one company with several different product lines, each with its own newsletter. If a customer had more than one product (which is what we want!), they received multiple newsletters. Solution: Better to send them all the newsletters consolidated into one mailing; best to create one cohesive, "custom" newsletter for this customer (and others like them).

New-Product Announcements

Businesses want to share certain information with customers, but do customers want to hear it? Which ones do they want to hear about?

Information about products and services is most helpful to customers when it is relevant to their interests and complementary to existing products or services they already buy from you. And about those "special deals" for new customers only? Please don't send them to your current customers—it makes them feel as if (1) you aren't aware they are already customers or (2) the best deals are being saved for other people.

Better to create two versions of your announcement, one for new customers and one that acknowledges existing customers and builds on the ongoing conversation with them. You are engaging your customers in conversation, aren't you?

Email Announcements

In this day and age of information privacy, we all know that permission-based emails are critical. But content and relevance are also important. If the subject and body of the email aren't consistent with your brand, you will cause customers to doubt their trust in you, and they may unsubscribe.

I recently saw one example cited on Peter Kim's blog (; he hadn't heard from a particular company for months via email (actually, he couldn't recall when he'd last heard from them, if at all). Yet, this email message looked more like a grouping of advertisements for partners than a valuable consumer communication.

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Becky Carroll is president and founder of Petra Consulting Group ( Her blog is Customers Rock! (