Social media is a hot topic among companies right now, from startups to the Fortune 500. Should we do it? What does it take to do it well? And where do I start?

Kodak has invested people, energy, and two years of dedicated effort into building its social media program—with great success. This summer, Chief Blogger Jenny Cisney traveled to The 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, armed with her Kodak Digital Camera and her laptop.

Jenny posted to the Kodak "A Thousand Words" blog each day to detail her experiences and share her photos. Her posts covered everything from the opening ceremonies to Beijing culture to how Kodak produced hundreds of thousands of accreditation badges for the Games.

While many Olympic-focused sites detailed event results and medal tallies, Kodak's blog provided readers a behind-the-scenes look at the people and a human perspective on the Games.

This month, I spent some time with Kodak Corporate Media Relations Manager Krista Gleason and Chief Blogger Jenny Cisney to find out why their social media program is so valuable to their business, and how they've defined success.

Q: When did Kodak make the decision to make social media part of your corporate strategy, and why?

Krista: We launched our first blog—"A Thousand Words"—in September 2006 and have engaged in other social media since then, including podcasts, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, and Delicious. Our social media activities are part of our overall communications and marketing strategy. We use social media to connect with our customers—communicate, listen, interact, engage—and share information about our company and our products and services.

Q: Tell me a little bit about the three blogs you have, and how and why each one is important to Kodak.

Krista: Kodak has three blogs. "A Thousand Words" features stories from Kodak employees on a variety of topics but with a focus on photography and imaging. "Plugged In" features stories about Kodak products and services. "Grow Your Biz" features stories from Kodak's Graphic Communications business. Together, they reflect the breadth and expertise of our company—traditional (photography and film), digital, and print.

Q: How did blogging enhance the 2008 Olympic experience for Kodak, both as individual staff members, and for your company as a whole?

Jenny: Our blogs demonstrated to readers how Kodak products, services, and technology were being used at the Olympics, from services for photojournalists, to printing accreditation badges, postcards and newsletters, to digital photo services for fans. It also showed how the Games and Beijing were captured using Kodak cameras. Photos and video taken onsite were shared with tips on taking pictures when traveling. It's all part of communicating how Kodak can help you "make, manage and move images and information."

Q: What kind of impact has blogging and social media had on your company culture? Your customer relationships?

Krista: Internally, blogging has opened up opportunities for employees to share their personal stories, thereby helping to boost employee morale. Kodak employees are passionate about their work and their company and the blogs give them a chance to communicate that passion. We currently have over 70 employees who blog (including international bloggers) and new employees continually expressing interest.

Jenny: Externally, our blogs give customers and readers (from over 100 countries) a better understanding of Kodak—from how our products and services can help them do more with their pictures to how the company's innovations are impacting our world. Our blogs also give Kodak a human face, and customers appreciate us listening to them.

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image of Amber Naslund

Amber Naslund is principal of Altitude (, a social media and marketing consultancy. She blogs at The BrandBox.