Webster defines "community" as a group of people living together as a smaller social unit within a larger one. Communities provide a convenient way to look at slices of your market.

However, they are not the same as market segments; rather, they are groups of people linked by a common thread, a common experience or a common vision that may have nothing to do with your product or service at all, but can have everything to do with building your business.

Attributes such as shared interests, common traditions, ownership and mutual advantage are often assigned to community. When you think of it, aren't these the attributes you would like your most valuable customers to think about when they describe their relationship with your product, service or company?

How wonderful it would be to hear them compliment your organization for caring about what they care about and for providing a tradition of service. And because you have listened to your customer's needs and worked together to improve your products, services and their communities, they share a pride in ownership with you.

Sound good? If you are nodding your head, then read on to see how a solid community-building strategy can create this type of customer relationship and why women are the best community builders.

Women Communities Vs. Men Communities

It will come as no surprise that women's sense of community is quite different from men's. We recently conducted a survey asking women and men panelists to describe in their own words what "community" means to them. Men defined community as their place of living or work. Short, sweet and to their point. Women described a rich tapestry of interwoven relationships, providing examples that spanned their lifetime.

Clearly, the women had emotionally bonded to their communities at a level that our male responders had not. Their communities included traits such as these:

  • Longevity
  • Constancy
  • Often a secondary focus of caring and cause
  • Giving emotional fulfillment and balance to their time strapped life
  • Fun, friendly, supporting and showing mutual respect

Community—Her Definition

"To me, community is very important, it needs to be nurtured and pruned and taken care of," states Bridget, a 37-year-old professional from Chicago. Jane, a young mother from Iowa, tells us, "If we are not together we miss each other, so community has to be ongoing."

And Diana, a divorced Boomer from Savannah, told us, "Community gives me a sense of belonging, a place to get emotional support—the key is being there for each other—that makes community work! Most companies think community is sending me a bunch of email tips, or putting a picture of what they think my 'group' is on a mailer. They don't ask my opinion and don't find out anything about me and what they might do to engage me outside of buying their stuff."

More Important Than Ever Before

Each year, for the past six years, Edelman, the world's largest independent public relations firm, conducts a survey—the Edelman Annual Trust Barometer. This year's survey yielded some very interesting facts:

  • The respondents are placing more stock in what they read on the Internet, especially blogs.

  • They also are placing more trust on local versus regional or national news.

  • More and more, they are rejecting traditional "authorities."

The result of this decline in trust is a shift from previous trusted sources to a dependence on one-on-one dialog with friends, family or others that share a common interest or vision. The end result is the creation and nurturing of communities that "see the world as I do."

So how great is the trust deficit trend? Between the 2003 and 2005 survey results, the influencer's credibility grew from a trust level of 22% to 56%! (2005, Edelman Annual Trust Barometer, A Global Study of Opinion Leaders. Democratization of Information. Pam Talbot, p. 10.)

And to make it more difficult for marketers, the 2005 Consumer-Generated Media Engagement Study by Intelliseek reports that consumers are 50% more likely to be influenced by word-of-mouth recommendations from their peers than by radio/TV ads.

An Outside—Not Inside—Perspective

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Terri Whitesel is the founder and chief translator of Interpret-Her, LLC. Reach her at terri@interpret-her.com.