Many businesses have succeeded in selling products online in the form of e-books, e-reports, and other downloadable content. Of course, it's not as simple as posting the product on your Web site and hoping buyers will come. The challenge comes in getting potential customers to your site in the first place.

Once they arrive, why should they buy from you? That's a question you must answer before they get to your Web site or landing page. Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port covers building and selling online products and saves you many steps.

Let's put it this way: If you receive an email from MarketingProfs and an unknown company offers the same product for less money, which business will you buy from? Do you go with the one you know and trust, or do you go with cheap?

Current Marketing Challenge

Marketing a product online

I've written several e-books and e-reports that have received accolades. I believe I can do better in selling these products online. How do you best promote Web-based products such as e-books and e-reports? What can I do to expand my product reach online?


The following three steps help you and your business earn respect and gain credibility so that customers feel good about buying from you:

  1. Write articles
  2. Create a joint venture
  3. Build an affiliate program

Write articles

Writing articles and posting them around the Web and in email newsletters is the easiest thing you can do. Just create content and post it or email it. No set up or networking is usually involved. Articles accomplish several things:

  • Establish you as an expert and thought-leader on the topic
  • Provide a link back to your Web site through a byline
  • Get your name and brand out there

Next Marketing Challenge

How does an online business stay credible for offline sales?

Click here to offer your advice or here to ask a question

Maybe you have existing content from a presentation, report, blog entry, or article that you can recycle into a new article. If you have a long article, try splitting it into two or three parts so you get multiple articles out of it.

Are there newsletters or Web sites that provide value to readers, include your target market, and have your respect? Try submitting your articles to them.

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Hank Stroll ( is publisher at InternetVIZ, a custom publisher of 24 B2B e-newsletters reaching 490,000 business executives.