Five years ago, the Internet resembled watching television. You surfed Web sites as you might channels. When you settled on a site or program, you sat back and absorbed the information. Now, what many call Web 2.0 reflects how the Web is changing from being watched to "being involved in."

Many content (communication) management systems (CMS) and applications simplify adding interactive tools, to let businesses easily interact with customers and prospects. Blogs, wikis, and forums (also known as bulletin boards, discussion boards, discussion groups, and message boards) bring people together for conversations, documentation, interactions, and more.

Although other tools and applications exist to help companies do more with their Web sites, these three tools can support your business strategy and are easy to get up and running with relatively little time and cost.

Furthermore, regularly adding new content keeps the search engines happy, and they reward your Web site with good results. Communities exchange vast amounts of information on diverse topics, and companies engage readers, which builds relationships with clients and prospects.

Marketing Challenge

Time to get into blogging, wikis, newsletters or what?

Our company has finally agreed to implement more online/electronic marketing strategies. We're aware that we need to evaluate every tool to see if it aligns with our strategy and our target market. We're a little overwhelmed with all the possibilities. I'm sure many readers have gone through this. Which electronic marketing applications did you select, why and how have they worked out?

— Joan, Marketing Manager

People use blogs, wikis, and forums for different applications, but generally they are used as follows:

  • Blog: An online journal that is frequently updated

  • Wiki: An online resource where participants collaborate, add and edit content, even if they didn't create the content

  • Forum: An online resource where participants post, reply, and discuss topics; but, unlike in a wiki, they can't edit each others' entries

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Blogs provide businesses with the opportunity to engage in conversations with customers, the industry, and the blogosphere (world of blogs). They also help businesses establish themselves as thought leaders and address issues that might come up about your product, service, or industry.

Blogs do more than just give the blogger to a place to share thoughts in a public forum where anyone can read it. Businesses use blogs for internal communications, such as when a CEO keeps employees informed on the company's direction, goals, and plans; project team members update each other; and a group communicates about creating documentation and processes.

Marketers need to take care not to use a blog as an overt publicity tool. Blog readers and bloggers easily sniff promotion and sales. A good question to ask before blogging is, "If I read this, would I benefit from this information as a customer, or is it more about the company thumping its chest?"

External company blogs can have one or more bloggers who represent the company (Starwood Hotels and Resorts, for example), or set up a system so anyone in the company can start a blog (Microsoft, for example). Companies allowing employees to blog must have a policy that clearly explains the rules, but without too many restrictions.

People proclaim that every business needs a blog. That's not true. If it were, then every company needs to advertise on TV, radio, newspapers, and billboards. In other words, a blog needs evaluating like any other marketing strategy. Blogging needs to be a part of your company's marketing strategy and have a defined purpose and goals.

Even if your company decides that starting a blog wouldn't benefit it, it's still good to understand blogging and how to track conversations in other blogs because your company could be the subject that bloggers write about.

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Hank Stroll ( is publisher at InternetVIZ, a custom publisher of 24 B2B e-newsletters reaching 490,000 business executives.