How do you know what product sales are driven from which keywords within your paid search efforts?

Which keywords are driving the most profitable traffic?

Are you doing everything to maximize your paid search ROI?

A common perception within the online advertising community is that a successful ad sells product it was intended to sell. Surprisingly, that is not always the case. In reality, online conversions often originate from traffic generated by keywords that are entirely unrelated to the items eventually purchased.

For instance, a large percentage of fur coats on one merchant's site were purchased by people who searched on "gold watches." Who would have thought gold watches and fur coats are related?

Are these conversions completely random, or do trends exist within them that can be leveraged to maximize your online revenue? Read on to find out.

Online conversions often originate from traffic generated by search engine terms that are entirely unrelated to the items eventually purchased. Optimal keyword management recognizes these relationships, automatically allocating spend among those terms that convert at the target profit goal.

ClickShift conducted a study to understand these relationships. The goal of the study was to isolate the effect of paid search advertising for one product or type of products on the sales of other products, without results being skewed by branding or search terms that could be deemed related to all categories.

The data used for this analysis consisted of 1,056 initial conversions that originated with generic Google searches and paid advertisement clicks, performed over three months. The advertisements and purchases spanned several categories, including homewares, technology, jewelry, wristwatches, fitness, clothing, and cosmetics.

Results and Discussion

Several challenges arise when analyzing this sort of complex data. The data tables in this paper show the most interesting portions of the data collected and also illustrate the challenges inherent in "cutting" data to reveal significant relationships.

A. The Data: The First Layer

The most basic question that the data answers is exactly how many of the 1,056 conversions originated from keywords unrelated to the products purchased. This relationship could not be calculated by simply summing the cross-category conversions using the category distinctions assigned to advertisements and products by the advertiser. Some categories like "Homewares" are far broader than others like "Wristwatches." Hence, a Wristwatch category purchase is always going to be related to another purchase within the Wristwatch category, but two Homewares purchases are not always going to be related.

Due to this lack of continuity, the method chosen was to label all cross-category conversions as unrelated and then manually compare the query keyword to the product purchased for all of the same-category conversions. These were the results:

Table 1: Related and Unrelated Conversions—Manual Keyword Comparison



Percent of

Unrelated Conversions



Related Conversions



As the table shows, a surprisingly large portion of conversions in this sample were unrelated conversions. These results are quite contrary to the thinking that specific, targeted keywords sell the products they advertise. Instead, this data indicates that nearly half of generic conversions result from unrelated keywords.

B. The Data: The Second Layer

Next, it's interesting to see how many conversions were cross-category conversions:

Table 2: Cross-Category Conversions—Category Comparison


Percent of

Cross-Category Conversions



Same-Category Conversions



A quick comparison between Table 1 and Table 2 shows that there were 55 same-category unrelated conversions. This represents 5.2% of the whole sample, a small enough percentage to ignore for the benefits offered by using cross-category conversions as a proxy for unrelated conversions, when searching for trends within the user behavior.

However, searching for such trends is not straightforward since the data shows where conversions came from, but all of the categories saw different numbers of clicks and conversions. For example, while 39% of Clothing ad clicks that converted resulted in Clothing category product purchases, this 39% was actually 56% of Clothing purchases. These somewhat counterintuitive relationships are seen in the two graphs below:

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

While the relationships between Graph 1 and Graph 2 are somewhat counterintuitive, there are several interesting trends that can be seen within them.

The most obvious trend, in Graph 2, is the tendency of users to purchase within the Jewelry category, no matter what category of advertisement was clicked. This is a trend that would be expected within categories like Clothing, Wristwatches, and perhaps even Cosmetics, due to the similarities in products and the people who would tend to purchase within them. However, this trend is very surprising to see within categories like Technology and Fitness. This phenomenon may be due to a residual branding effect, where users who clicked on these dissimilar category advertisements did so consciously or unconsciously, knowing that there was a robust jewelry selection on the site. It could also be an indicator of the preferences of those who click paid search advertisements generally. However, no matter what the source of the preference may be, this relationship could be valuable if understood by the retailer, especially when examined alongside the average revenue per conversion by category:

Table 3: Weighted Average Revenue per Conversion by Category


Average Revenue
per Conversion















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John Rodkin is founder and CEO of Read his blog at