Today, every business feels the pressure to innovate. Innovation is touted daily in the headlines of business magazines, the presentations of consultants, and in the books and conferences of business visionaries.

We feel it in the parity of our pricing and during our strenuous attempts to articulate "unique value." And we witness it as emerging markets move from providers of low-cost labor to competitors, or as new technologies disrupt yet another competitive advantage.

Yes, OK! We need to innovate. But how?

Innovation seems so unmanageable—more akin to the artist searching for a muse than a business process. We dive into the "fuzzy front-end" of product development hoping that by talking to customers or anticipating trends we will find that source of inspiration, that flash of insight.

Here's a different suggestion: Break a rule! Do something that disrupts a fundamental tenet of your market or industry.

If you look back at some of the most successful examples of innovation, you'll observe that in many cases innovators didn't come up with some entirely new product or service, but instead directly challenged a sacrosanct practice of their industry and bested their competitors by changing the rules of the game.

Consider Barnes & Noble. Remember what it used to be like going to a bookstore? They were like libraries, only with worse customer service and more rules. Buying a book was like entering a temple with its own indecipherable rituals of categorization and secret language. There were no chairs, reading was discouraged, and we would never have thought about bringing in food or drink.

Yet Barnes & Noble created a multibillion dollar business out of this quiet corner of retail. Not only can you drink coffee in a comfortable chair while reading a book that you haven't bought yet, but you bought the coffee in the in-store cafe. The bookstore went from being a place of foreboding to a social destination—in large part because Barnes & Noble had the foresight and temerity to risk breaking many of the seemingly inviolate rules of its industry.

Starbucks is another retail example. Again, think back a few years. What kind of reception would you have had going to a coffee shop, ordering just coffee and hanging out for hours? At best you would have been made to feel like a bum; at worst you would have been kicked out for loitering. Today, Starbucks has become the universal meeting place of people everywhere. Loitering is encouraged. In fact, you don't even have to buy anything.

Why has Netflix been so successful? Not because you can get DVDs through the mail. Netflix identified and broke a rule that was sorely in need of breaking—late fees. Blockbuster made its money on something that customers hated but had been forced to accept as the way things are. As a result, Netflix soared while putting Blockbuster and the other retail chains on the defensive, forcing them to not only offer a similar rental-by-mail service but also drop late fees at their stores as well.

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Thomas Ordahl is with Group 1066, LLC (, a strategic marketing firm.