Unbelievable. While watching the CBS Evening News on March 8, I caught the tail end of a promo announcing an upcoming story of a dangerous new trend involving sleeping pills. You can imagine my surprise, then, when I saw a spot for Ambien sleeping pills during the ensuing commercial break.

With my curiosity now piqued, you can bet I stayed tuned in. When the commercial break ended, the lead story not only covered this dangerous trend but also cited an incident involving a teenager who had taken Ambien, gotten behind the wheel of a car, and wound up having a fatal accident.

Initially, I was horrified. How could a television network help promote the sale of a product that it also reported to be at the core of such a tragic incident? I was certain heads were rolling at CBS, not only in the newsroom but even more so in the advertising department. Is there no shame in profiting from a person's life?

I haven't heard a thing about this since it aired, but I'm sure millions of others like me recognized the same blatant display of greed. What do examples like this do to our nation's belief and trust in the news media?

At a time when America is still feeling the sting from a prominent columnist's being paid handsomely by a third party for writing favorable opinion pieces, the nation's most respected newspaper's fabricating stories, and television stations' running government-supplied and government-funded video news releases as news about the war... more greed is not good.

And it's not just happening among the nation's elite news organizations.

A couple of years ago, a colleague of mine was pitching to a local television station a story about a group of citizens pooling their money together to buy Christmas gifts for needy children in the area. The group was going to gather at a local Wal-Mart to buy the gifts before returning to their neighborhood to wrap them. The station was interested in the story but made it clear that because Wal-Mart was not advertising on their station it would not cover the portion of the story happening at Wal-Mart.

Bah-humbug? No, this is serious. In many ways, the reputation of the news media reflects the reputation of a nation. In a free-speech society, the news media is widely considered the last bastion of truth. If the media falls prey to the same corporate greed that has besieged America over the last 10 years, then we can assume that no one in America is capable of telling the truth. Without trust, our nation has no honor, and without honor, we have no regard among other nations.

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Kara Dullea is vice-president of public relations at the bounce agency (thebounceagency.com).