Frank Hurtte claims to have always been involved in marketing. Although he did not begin his career there, he soon made his avocation his vocation. His deep understanding of strategy can be seen in his creative responses to people starting new businesses. Read on to learn more about this active participant.

Where are you based?

Davenport, Iowa USA For those who are not from the US - Davenport is on the Mississippi River, just across the river from Illinois. We are 160 Miles west of Chicago and 950 miles north of New Orleans (and the Gulf Coast).

What do you do in real-life?

I am the founder of River Heights Consulting.

Tell us about your company.

River Heights Consulting serves as a resource to the systems integrators, value added resellers, distributors and manufacturers who chose to go to market through this channel. We provide sales and marketing training, automation technology updates, and executive coaching.

My personal experience is in moving high technology products to industrial based users; so much is focused on that segment.

How did you find KHE?

I was researching a question for a client and discovered KHE and was hooked.

Explain your Community Name and why you selected it.

I use my own name. I guess I wasn’t as worried about the paparazzi and marketing groupies stalking me as I should have been.

What kinds of KHE questions do you enjoy most?

I love strategy… I like the creative ideas… I like to help those starting up a new business.

Describe a specific KHE discussion you learned something from.

I am finishing a book on Telesales Prospecting in a technical distribution world. I continue to get great ideas from those who share their experience in customer calls – especially those related to prospecting.

What is your favorite marketing book? Why?

I loved Guerrilla Marketing because so many people find themselves limited on marketing funds and in my mind that is not an excuse to not market.

I also love books on the power of the human mind. And while they aren’t specifically focused on marketing, I heartily recommend Daniel Pink’s book A Whole New Mind and Malcolm Gladwell’s book Blink. These books empower the kind of thought that is needed to be successful in just about anything.

What networking or professional organizations do you belong to?

I was the first lifetime member of the Association for High Technology Distribution. I am actively involved in a number of Iowa Based not for profit organizations.

How did you get started in marketing?

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Carrie Shearer is a writer and researcher who has been published in the European Wall Street Journal and other global publications.  Before embarking on her second, or is it third career, Carrie spent 25 years in the international petroleum industry, most of it overseas.