Maybe the depiction of office life in the 1999 movie Office Space offers more than a good laugh. The film depicts three friends working at a software firm who passionately dislike their jobs. While the movie is obviously a comedic exaggeration, there is a real trend among U.S. workers who are dissatisfied or resentful towards their employers.

According to research conducted by The Gallup Organization, there are three types of employees: engaged, not-engaged, and actively disengaged:

  1. Engaged employees "work with passion and feel a profound connection to their company. They drive innovation and move the organization forward."

  2. Employees who are not-engaged "are essentially 'checked out'…sleepwalking through their workday, putting time—but not energy or passion—into their work."

  3. Actively disengaged workers "act out their unhappiness," and "undermine what their engaged workers accomplish."

According to the U.S. Employee Engagement Survey recently published in Gallup Management Journal, a startling 69% of workers are either not-engaged or actively disengaged on the job. Further research from the firm estimates that approximately $370 billion is lost annually due to lower productivity from actively disengaged workers alone.

So what can be done about this alarming trend?

While benefits, work environment, and other factors certainly play a large role in worker engagement levels, instituting a comprehensive internal communications program is one of the most valuable ways to encourage employees to become stakeholders in a company.

Many progressive companies now view internal communications as equal in importance to external communications such as advertising, marketing, public relations, and investor relations. Indeed, external marketing can reach its full potential only when employees fully "buy in" to a company's vision, messages, goals, and values.

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Tonya Bacon is a director at Strategic Communications Group, based in Silver Spring, MD.