Companies need to take a strategic view of marketing, which involves not just physical goods but also the myriad services surrounding those goods.

Services play a vital role in our economy. For us marketers in the services industry, it's important to understand the key factors that enable us to profitably acquire and keep customers.

We have identified four factors that make a difference and represent best practices for marketers. Input from hundreds of companies, representing a multitude of diverse industries, identified these four components as the critical success factors:

  1. Having an approved marketing plan

  2. Having an approved marketing budget

  3. Identifying and securing resources

  4. Defining and establishing metrics that demonstrate Marketing's impact on the business

The companies that consistently address these four factors are more likely to achieve their revenue and profitability business goals.

How do you stack up compared with the survey participants? Some 72% of the respondents had a marketing plan, 70% had an approved budget and 65% had resources identified and secured.

Hopefully, this is the case for your company as well. If not, there's work to be done.

Only 43% of the respondents had metrics in place to measure program effectiveness, and a mere 33% had metrics in place to measure marketing's impact on the business. These are two areas that most every company needs to improve.

Let's take a closer look at the four components, and while reviewing each think about how your company is performing.

1. An Approved Marketing Plan

A marketing plan serves as a road map or blueprint that guides a firm's course of action. A good marketing plan should include at least a clear set of quantifiable objectives and a set of strategies, tactics and milestones that support the objectives.

Two years ago, 75% of companies surveyed didn't have an approved plan. They suffered from long sales cycles, weak pipelines and high customer churn. Today, most companies have come to realize that although without a plan they may be engaged in many activities, they are not necessarily moving forward.

The winners realize not only that an approved plan matters but also that the timing of the plan is important. An approved plan halfway through the year impedes a winner's ability to make sufficient impact on the year as a whole.

One item that distinguishes the winners is the inclusion of a compelling, well-developed positioning platform. It clarifies why people should buy from you and how you are better and different from the competitors. Developing a positioning platform requires you to understand your target, its problems and needs, and then to purposefully position your offer specifically to meet those needs—in short, to be customer- or market-centric.

Many of the research respondents indicated that they often end up revising or redoing their positioning again and again. The lack of a consistent positioning platform ends up confusing the market. Targets are not able to understand why they should select your firm over another. This results in longer sales cycles and a lower conversion rate.

On the other hand, the winners have done their homework and are confident in their positioning and invest in it for the long term.

Having a plan is a good first step, but without adequate resources, people and funding, achieving a plan is as good as wishing on a star.

2. Money Matters

The marketers who are the most successful are those who have an approved budget. They do no have to go back to the well to request funds time and time again. They did their homework when they developed their plan, and the rationale for the plan supported their investment requests.

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image of Laura Patterson

Laura Patterson is the president of VisionEdge Marketing. A pioneer in Marketing Performance Management, Laura has published four books and she has been recognized for her thought leadership, winning numerous industry awards.