When building interactive Web sites or applications, the success of our work is not based solely on marketing strategy and design. The real challenge is providing Web customers with clarity, control and satisfaction.

The only real way to ensure understanding and ease of use is to watch representative customers use your site—otherwise known as usability testing, a one-on-one test during which you give participants open-ended tasks to perform on your site. As they use the site, you gain understanding from their confusion.

In most cases, I see usability testing being treated as a low priority. This usually happens due to either the high cost of formal usability testing in a lab or the time it takes to conduct the tests.

The unfortunate result is that most Web sites are launched without knowing the problems that exist. Conducting usability testing early in the process ensures that you discover the bottlenecks and obstructions in your site. By resolving such issues, you will improve results on your site and offer your site visitors a better experience.

So how does one perform usability testing without investing a large amount of time and expense into the project? That's where informal usability testing comes in. A formal usability test involves a long cycle of recruiting the perfect participants, locating the best facilities, setting up the recording and documentation equipment and hiring the professionals to conduct the tests. In some cases, these formal testing projects can span months and cost tens of thousands of dollars.

By cutting some corners, you can conduct tests on your own, without the hassle and expense and still pinpoint the major issues. To simplify the process, I am going to break it down into four areas:

  1. Define tasks and location.
  2. Identify and schedule participants.
  3. Conduct the tests.
  4. Review your findings.

1. Define tasks and location

Identify the major tasks that a user might accomplish on your site. Traditionally, this is a very long process involving user personas and task analysis.

For our purposes, we will choose a few main tasks that affect the success of the Web site. This could be a basic task such as finding specific information or an interactive process such as purchasing a product.

Think about what goals or motivations people have when coming to your site, and make a list. From that list choose four or five main tasks that have the most impact on your site. For example, if you have an ecommerce site, the list might include locating desired products, purchasing the products and viewing the order status. Once you select the tasks, create a very basic outline script for the test. Each person you test individually will follow the same script.

A common script will first ask the participant to look at the Web site and provide feedback about the purpose. This is sometimes called the "get it" test. It explores how easily someone can identify the purpose of your Web site or company.

You would be surprised how many people have trouble giving an answer. Next you will create a list of tasks that the user will attempt to accomplish. Each task statement should be open-ended to allow a natural experience. For example, you would ask the participant to "find a product of interest and purchase it" instead of "search for an MP3 player and add it to the shopping cart." The latter statement is an instruction and helps the participant use the site.

After you have created a simple script, you need to decide where the test will be held. In formal usability testing, this would take place in a lab with a one-way mirror and some sophisticated recording equipment. Since we are keeping the budget low, it can be anywhere that is convenient for you and your participants. All that is needed is an average computer in a comfortable environment. You could use a spare office where you setup a computer with a comfortable chair and desk.

Once you have created a script and selected location it is time to find your participants.

2. Find your participants

Traditionally, this stage involves in-depth user definitions and recruitment. In most cases, an outside recruitment firm is hired to find the participants. Once found, potential participants must be screened to target the desired audience.

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Chris Nagele (cn@wildbit.com) is founder of Wildbit (www.wildbit.com), a Web software firm focused on building complex Web applications that are easy to use and understand.