Sure your Web site looks great, but are you turning enough Web visitors into leads that your sales force can target? Your answer can be the difference between a site that is a moneymaker and one that is nothing more than a glorified brochure.

Your Web site can offer your company many opportunities to generate leads and cultivate new business. But, to be successful, you should follow the "TCM" approach:

T = Target: Attract targeted prospects to your Web site that are seeking your products and services.

C = Convert: Convert anonymous visitors into named leads that can feed your business development process.

M = Measure: Measure the results of your online marketing efforts to enhance the effectiveness of future TCM campaigns.

Drive targeted visitors

The first step is to target the right audience—the one highly likely to want your products or services. Members of this audience are out there. You know their profile, their interests and their buying habits.

Now the key is to get them to visit your Web site when they are looking for a solution. Below is a summary of the essential methods for driving targeted traffic to your Web site.

Search Engine Marketing

Research confirms that over 80% of prospective Web customers begin by using search engines to locate products, services or information. So, search engine marketing should be part of any marketing program. There are two primary techniques for attracting targeted visitors from search engines: search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

SEO is the ongoing process of designing, writing and coding your Web site to maximize the chance that its pages will appear at the top of the "organic" or "natural" search engine results.

Search engines determine your ranking in the organic search results primarily by analyzing your Web site for the following:

  • Keyword relevance—how relevant the keyword phrase is used in your Web site's copy and site coding

  • Link popularity—the quantity and quality of third-party sites that link to your Web site

The higher your keyword relevance and link popularity, the higher your position will be in the organic search results. SEO is a gradual process that can take weeks or months to achieve.

PPC advertising is a search engine marketing technique that requires you to pay when someone clicks to your Web site from a brief text-based advertisement that you have placed in the sponsored links section of the search engine results. You pay a fee (starting at just 10 cents per click) every time that your advertisement is clicked by a user.

The more you agree to pay per click for that keyword, and the more effective your ad is, the higher your site will rank in the paid results. Pay-per-click advertising is immediate, and you can begin driving targeted traffic on the first day.

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image of Bob DeStefano
Bob DeStefano is president of SVM E-Marketing Solutions, a B2B online marketing agency that helps industrial companies use online marketing to produce bottom-line results.

Pro members: Interested in hearing more wisdom from Bob? Be sure to check out this online seminar presented by Bob, How to Make Your B-to-B Website a Lead Generation Machine.