
Mention the words "consumer empowerment" to marketers, and most will shrink away from you like a vampire from light. Conjuring up all sorts of evils, consumer empowerment is considered a stake in the heart of marketing.

PVRs, pop-up blockers and on-demand media empower people to avoid advertising and make a mockery of advertising scheduling. Consumer blogs, forums and review sites give consumers a global voice that can determine the fate of a brand. (Just say iPod Nano or Kryptonite Locks to marketers and watch them cower.) The myriad product and service choices available empowers consumers to switch products on the most fleeting of whims.

Letting Consumers Call the Shots

So consumer empowerment means bad news for marketing, right?

Surprisingly, no. Marketers have come up with an ingenious way of harnessing consumer empowerment to unlock sales growth for their brands. The solution is simple—go with the flow and really empower consumers. Let them call the shots on your marketing and innovation. Don't just listen to them through classic market research, but actually empower consumers to cast deciding votes on what gets done.

Call it the Big Brother Effect, Audience Participation or simply Consumer Empowerment... the result is the same: armies of loyal sales-boosting word-of-mouth advocates.

Here are a few guidelines on how to organize a simple consumer empowerment program designed to unlock growth in your own company:

  • First, set up a simple poll—online, SMS, telephone, or on interactive TV—that allows consumers to vote on some aspect of your product or marketing. It could be a vote on which fashion model or background music to use in an ad, or a poll on the packaging, name or design of the product itself, or a vote between variants for promotional posters, merchandise, logos or taglines.

  • The key is to keep it so simple that people can make their wishes known by a simple click of a mouse, remote control button, call or text message—hassle-free voting is what they will want.

  • Keep options to a minimum—by only having two options to vote from, you'll keep at least half of your voters happy when you act on their wishes. Alternatively, you can always go ahead with both variants, and make everybody happy.

  • Invite consumers from your target market to participate in the poll. Opinion leading consumers and brand fans are a priority, but all target consumers should be welcome. After all, numbers are important—the more participants, the more advocates, the bigger the impact on sales.

  • Nonetheless, try to give the poll an air of exclusivity, creating the impression for voters that they are VIPs—very influential persons. When you exclude people outside your target market, the participants will feel special and privileged, and this will help foster loyalty and advocacy.

  • Finally, when the votes are in, act on them—and let voters know you have acted on them.

Consumer Empowerment: The Tremor Experience

Procter & Gamble, the household brands giant, is embracing consumer empowerment with fervor, inviting consumers to cast deciding votes on which new product variants it will launch. For example, a recent VIP vote allowed consumers to choose the latest Crest toothpaste flavor. In terms of boosting sales, consumer empowerment has been so successful for P&G that the company is rolling out, in the US, a national consumer empowerment panel of 750,000 opinion leading teens and moms.

Codenamed "Tremor," the online panel allows consumers to vote and call the shots on the firm's marketing through simple online polls. In controlled tests, P&G has measured the sales impact of consumer empowerment through VIP votes: a cool 10-30 percent boost in sales. Other brands are now queuing up to use the Tremor panel, paying up to $1 million for the privilege.

Recent consumer empowerment initiatives run through Tremor include the following:

  • Helping develop Vanilla Coke's "Nothing Else Like It" billboard campaign and come up with intriguing messages to appear on promotional heat-sensitive cans

  • Voting on launching Snoop Dogg's new line of shoes

  • Advising on the trailer for the movie Biker Boyz

  • Choosing which Herbal Essence commercial to air for promoting Fruit Fusions Tropical Showers

  • Recommending which fashion model to use in a Pantene commercial

  • Selecting backing music for a Pringles advertisement

  • Picking models for a body-spray calendar

  • Helping design the new Crest Spinbrush

  • Voting on a T-shirt design for Vans "Warped Tour" concert

  • Naming the DreamWorks SKG movie Eurotrip

  • Choosing the logo for the teen movie Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!

The Science Bit: The Hawthorne Effect

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Paul Marsden is coauthor of the consumer empowerment blog ( and contributing authors to the new book Connected Marketing: The Viral, Buzz and Word of Mouth Revolution. He is also a market researcher at the London School of Economics. Oetting is a researcher at ESCP-EAP European School of Management (Berlin).
Martin Oetting is coauthor of the consumer empowerment blog ( and contributing authors to the new book Connected Marketing: The Viral, Buzz and Word of Mouth Revolution.