What should you, a business-to-business customer, expect from the sales professionals who are asking for your time?

This is a question you may not have considered. If pressed, you'd likely say, “Well, I expect him or her to answer my questions, sell me the product or service I need, charge a fair price, deliver on time and follow through on promises.”

Sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

Not really. In today's complex business world, the rules of selling have changed. The man or woman whose role once centered on polished presentations and glossy brochures (if not a line of self-serving propaganda) must now function as a valued and trusted adviser and be a source of competitive advantage.

There are many, many companies that claim to offer the products and services you need. Yet, all too often the strategy of their sales force is to battle the competition on capabilities and pricing in order to capture your business.

But the reality is that succeeding in today's marketplace is not about price. It's not even about products. Instead, success means being able to understand the very real, very complex problems you face and sort through all the available alternatives. And the right salesperson should be able to help you do so—and to create a solution that you would not have been able to come up with on your own.

It is this characteristic—the ability to collaborate with you, stimulate your thinking and create revenue-building solutions that you don't have the time or the wherewithal to create for yourself—that you should look for in the sales professionals who want to work with you. They are able to provide a competitive advantage for your company. They don't sit across the desk from you spewing information and hoping for a commission. They actually become an integral part of your business, making your life easier and contributing to your measurable success. The sales process is not done “to you,” but “with you.”

So how do you distinguish these top professionals from the traditional sellers? Look for these clues on how to spot great sales professionals:

They diagnose your problem. When a sales professional launches into a description of his “solution” without first establishing a clear understanding of your situation, be wary. A great salesperson never assumes that they or you understand the very real, very complex problems you face.

Instead, like a good psychiatrist, he methodically questions and diagnoses until he uncovers those problems and expands your awareness. Once you both clearly understand your problem—and you perceive all the ramifications of that problem—then he is justified in making recommendations.

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image of Jeff Thull

Jeff Thull is president and CEO of Prime Resource Group (www.primeresource.com) and the author of Exceptional Selling: How the Best Connect and Win in High Stakes Sales (September 2006), The Prime Solution: Close the Value Gap, Increase Margins, and Win the Complex Sale (Dearborn Trade Publishing, 2005) and Mastering the Complex Sale (2003).