If you've been out of work for a while, or are just plain tired of the work you've been doing for years, you may be thinking of starting a business. If so, get ready to embark on an exciting, rarely dull, often nerve-wracking journey.

To call it “perilous” may be stretching things, since perilous implies “dangerous.” However, it also means “exposure to risk or harm,” and starting a business can certainly be risky. In any event, entrepreneurship is definitely challenging. And since writing down challenges seems to make them easier to deal with, let's look at some obstacles you're about to face.

1. Time Mismanagement

This is one of those issues that create problems for many of us who start new business ventures. Either you spend all of your time working, or you can't quite keep yourself on a schedule.

Many businesses fail within the first year because the owner couldn't get a handle on work time versus “the rest of life” time. Rule No. 1: you can't spend every waking minute on your business. You still need to have a life. Otherwise, you'll burn out.

2. Lack of Organizational Skills

If you've got organizational skill, you've just passed a major hurdle. Being disorganized not only means wasting time as you dig around trying to find something, but it also makes focus difficult. Which leads to Peril No. 3.

3. Inability to Focus

One of my friends decided to close his business and focus on consulting. Seemed like a good idea. He knew his field and had a lot of hands-on experience. He also had a fully equipped home office and no kids or spouses around for distraction.

Unfortunately, the idea was better than the venture. Why? He couldn't focus without the structure of an office environment. Working at home seemed like some sort of part-time job. Instead of being at his desk every morning at a certain time, he'd find other things to do. Lunch hours often turned into taking the afternoon off. It was a “sort of” business—not a serious one.

4. Fear of Failure

Failure and entrepreneurship go hand in hand. If you're not fully aware that your business could fail—or if you're terrified of failure—go to work for someone else. Because if you're not willing to take risks, you shouldn't be in business for yourself.

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Rickey Gold is the owner of Rickey Gold & Associates (rickeygold.com), a small, hands-on marketing communication firm that helps clients identify, reach, entice, and sell to their target markets.