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Dither noun: A state of indecisive agitation: Company management was in a dither about the new round of graphic designs. Everybody had strong opinions on what they liked and didn't like.

Dilatory adjective: Tending to postpone or delay: The graphic-design process had a dilatory effect on our ability to do anything in marketing besides work on designs. Could this drag out any longer?

Delusion noun: A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: The team seemed under the delusion that choosing between possible brochure trim colors of papaywhip, peachpuff, or peru would make any difference in marketing results.

(Three actual colors. Who knew?)

The Long and Winding Road

When many people think of marketing, they think of ads, logos, taglines, brochures and (nowadays) Web sites. It's understandable. Ads and brochures are what we see every day, and we all have opinions of what we like and don't like.

So when we build new Web sites, brochures and logos for our organizations, we scrutinize them with fanatical zeal. Everyone is going to see them and form an opinion about us based on them. They must look… they will look… perfect! (Even if the process of doing so kills us.)

As a result, when many businesses decide they're going to “really do some marketing,” everyone gets overly caught up in the graphic-design process.

Pathology of Design Monomania

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image of Mike Schultz

Mike Schultz is president of RAIN Group, a global sales training and performance improvement company, and director of the RAIN Group Center for Sales Research. He is the bestselling author of Rainmaking Conversations and Insight Selling. He also writes for the RAIN Selling Blog.

LinkedIn: Mike Schultz

Twitter: @mike_schultz