If you are in marketing or sales, chances are it isn't because you aced linear systems in college. Truth is, math intimidates many of us, and so the attention around ROI can be daunting.

ROI is dominating modern marketing's methods and means. Sales and marketing professionals are now asked to determine payback periods and present values. While not a problem for most pros, let's just say grinding out spreadsheets isn't as fun as a round of golf or lunch Upstairs at 21. Sales and marketing have changed. Permanently.

What gets lost in the math phobia is that selling ROI does in fact require very human, very relationship-driven, qualitative skills. These skills are far more important than the financial formulas that are so alien to most of us.

Credibility adds up

Credibility, not math, is the most important factor when your marketing and selling leverages ROI. Causal relationships between your offering and the results you claim it generates still require a bit of faith on the part of the prospect.

You may know how your offering pays back, but typically you have to demonstrate it. That requires way more than a simple spreadsheet.

In fact, it requires three key elements:

  1. Articulating the customer's true need in a way that benefits the customer more than you

  2. Establishing a causal relationship between your offering and a positive financial impact for your prospect

  3. Helping to resolve the prospect's need, even if it's not met by your solution

See, no math.

To really start marketing and selling ROI internally or externally, spend the first few minutes learning everything you can about the current condition you seek to improve.

Then, document two things:

  1. How your customer sees his current situation

  2. Your customer's goals—or, more simply, what they'd like to see improved in the future

When you document the current environment from the prospect's point of view, you build credibility. Ask yourself whom you are selling or marketing to.

Too many companies are selling to themselves—speaking to their own concerns regarding their offering—in an attempt to preemptively manage objections. Internal issues, derived from too much intimacy with the offering, drive a lot of bad pitches.

Often prospects don't care about your competitive position or even your features and benefits. Research indicates that buyers are typically alienated by choice.

People have needs—which must be acknowledged, documented, then filled. Your prospects have critical operational issues that must be resolved. They need affirmation that they are not being robbed and are executing the right solution for their problem. A solution that will promote them personally within the company, rather than get them fired.

ROI-driven business cases help customers know that they are making sound business decisions. They help reduce the risk and fear associated with expending precious corporate and personal resources. Still, fear is an emotion that must be managed using traditional people skills.

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Tom Barnes is CEO of Mediathink (www.mediathink.com), a consultancy specializing in media and marketing strategy and implementation. Contact him at tom@mediathink.com.