It seems that now, more than ever, branding is becoming the “it” segment of the marketing and advertising arenas. Even the usually stodgy National Public Radio had a piece on it last week.

But what has become clear is that the more “branding” is discussed, the more it seems to become a dirty word in the minds of the ever-suspicious public. The consumer thinks of branding as shorthand for trying to dupe them into buying something they think they need, only to find it falls short on the actual expectation after purchase.

The brand's true strength lies in creating a relationship--not a one-time sale. A brand only has value over the long-term.

And in order to realize this, and to get the true idea of branding back on track, I think a bit of a primer is called for. So hang on--here I go!

In today's global economy, brands can supersede culture, language, and national borders. Many brands have such strong brand logo awareness that they are a global language unto themselves: the Coca-Cola logo, the McDonald's golden arches, the Mercedes hood ornament, Mickey Mouse and the Disney empire.

Additionally, the awareness of the logos is shorthand for the expectation of the brand: The golden arches make you almost taste the French fries, and the Mercedes symbol confers luxury and wealth on the owner in the mind of others.

The word “brand” is used frequently, but the true definition is not always known or understood. According to Robert Woyzbun, a brand is “the sum of the expectations that a customer or stakeholder has when purchasing a product or dealing with an organization.”

In essence, a brand is an expectation waiting to be fulfilled, or a promise. The brand promise is a statement of assurance, and a perception of future excellence. The goal of the promise is to create a customer relationship.

But just how does a brand promise get created and communicated to the masses? And how does the relationship get created? Through branding!

Therefore, it is vital to define and understand the essence of branding in order to truly understand the role of the brand in the marketplace. Ron Gossen and Alicia Gresham have stated the general description of branding as “delivering all the promises and perceptions that the organization wants its constituents to hold.”

However, Gossen and Gresham have fine-tuned the definition, making it less subjective and more focused. They assert that “branding is identifying or creating, and then exploiting, sustainable competitive advantage.”

Branding is as simple and complex as that definition. The science of branding and deployment of the branding effort is clearly more complex than that phrase allows for; but the art or purpose of branding is indeed that simple--it is to achieve market share and sustainable advantage in the marketplace.

The definition as laid out by Gossen and Gresham embraces the 360-degree idea of branding; that is, the idea that the branding effort must encompass all parts of a marketing strategy, and all parts of an organization. Their definition points out not only what branding is, but also what it should do, embracing both the idea and the actionable result of the idea.

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Kristine Kirby Webster is Principal of The Canterbury Group, a direct-marketing consultancy specializing in branding and relationship marketing. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Direct Marketing at Mercy College in NY. She can be reached at