As the heat gets turned up in companies to produce more with less, marketing is often the first group to get its toes scorched.
Why does this happen? Often it's because marketing's contribution to the bottom-line is just not evident to everyone. Increasingly, marketing executives find themselves on the ropes, struggling to justify investments, losing resources and dropping into a self-fulfilling spiral of ineffectiveness that weakens the entire company.
Six simple but powerful strategies can help you survive and prosper in today's dangerous high-tech management waters.
1. Don't take “no strategy” for an answer.
A company without a strategic plan--and there are many--is like a ship without a rudder. Everyone on board is in danger as the ship wanders aimlessly in a turbulent marketplace. Without a corporate strategy that guides marketing investments, companies create confused messages, poorly positioned products, and ineffective, costly programs that damage business and jeopardize marketing's credibility.
As the marketing executive, you have a vested interest in making sure a sound corporate strategy has been developed--even if you have to champion the effort yourself. Driving executive consensus around a core set of high-level business goals is a great start and provides value to all functional groups, not just marketing. It makes explicit the direction of the company so that programs can be planned intelligently and budgets set at optimal levels.
2. All roads lead from the customer.
While it may seem obvious, there is simply no substitute for solid feedback from your customers. Marketing strategies and programs that are rooted in stated customer needs usually hit the bull's eye. Here are some effective strategies for engaging your customers on a regular basis:
- Establish a customer advisory board that meets twice a year. Make it an extension to your strategy development process.
- Hold informal, half-day customer focus groups several times a year. Involve your users in shaping product strategy and sound them out on important company and product issues. Again, act on their best advice.
- Regularly call your best customers and simply ask how they're doing. They'll appreciate the attention and you'll learn a lot about what's on their minds.
- Using a Web-based tool like Zoomerang, send simple e-mail surveys to customers that solicit input on new product features, service offerings, pricing proposals, and so on.
And most importantly, keep sales involved in all customer-oriented activities like these.
3. Goals without plans are vapor.
No question: You've gotta have marketing goals! But goals are no better than pipe dreams until they're linked to concrete, measurable activities. A goal articulates a desired end state--like a future newspaper headline you'd like to see. But thoughtful, detailed analysis is required to turn each goal into a comprehensive collection of interlocking strategies, plans and actions. Until this is done, marketing has no way of rationalizing the decisions or investments it makes.
Begin by developing solid goals that support your company's strategy. But don't stop there. Guide your staff through the essential process of assigning measurable objectives to each goal, then developing specific strategies and plans for each objective. This provides a framework for all your actions and a means of tying everything you do back up to “corporate first principles.”