An acquaintance recently asked me whether or not his company should leverage its corporate brand across a group of brands within its portfolio.

The specific issue had to do with scale—how could his company become a contender in the marketplace when its individual brands did not have comparable recognition and reach? And isn't the corporate brand an easy way to demonstrate scale?

The answer seems obvious—leverage the heck out of that corporate brand to get the scale and leverage necessary to compete, right?

Not necessarily.

What is not an option is to ignore the corporate brand, because whether you like it or not, a variety of audiences are already building associations and drawing conclusions from that brand. For example, financial and investor communities read about the corporate brand in the business section every day. Business professionals see the corporate brand rated in the American Consumer Satisfaction Index. And most importantly, company employees are looking for the guidance and leadership from their corporate office not only to understand business strategy but also to understand how the portfolio of brands is meant to work together. Employees are expected to understand and live the corporate brand every day.

How you leverage your corporate brand requires careful thought—but not thinking about your corporate brand can be extremely detrimental to your business. The bottom line is that corporate brands can have a significant impact on enhancing business results and boosting the stature of individual hotels if leveraged in creative and sophisticated ways.

The critical factors to consider are:

• The corporate and individual hotel brand business strategies. Each brand in your hotel portfolio has a specific customer target, point of difference and mission statement. If a corporate brand is to be leveraged, it must find the synergy with these business and brand objectives in order to succeed. In addition, the corporation has its own strategy and mission to drive toward superior financial results. This, too, must be considered, as the corporate brand must reflect the business strategy. Understanding, comparing and in some cases challenging these business strategies will provide the foundation for a corporate branding decision.

• The current corporate brand equities. Many audiences have already formed impressions of your brand, derived from a wide variety of sources. What are those associations? Are they positive, negative or neutral? And most importantly, are these associations the types of things that can reinforce, augment or even potentially hurt the hotel brands in your portfolio? Brands such as Hyatt, Marriott and Hilton began as hotels and have strong functional ties to the category. But potent emotional and self-expressive benefits also may lurk in the less hotel-focused corporate brands. By seeking to draw a direct link between your corporate and hotel brands, you are forcing your target customers to draw the parallels between your corporation and your hotel properties. Without understanding the potential synergies and conflicts, you are in danger of causing confusion and missing out on considerable equities.

• The variety of potential target audiences for the corporate brand. While business and leisure travelers as well as travel agents and corporate travel planners are all obvious targets for your brand message, there are other audiences to consider. What about the financial community which lends the money to build the hotels, or the investors in your company stock, or most important of all, your employees, who bring the brand to life everyday? While a corporate brand with diverse holdings such as Cendant may not consider targeting consumers with its corporate brand, the financial community and/or Cendant employees seek a compelling reason to believe in the company. Corporate brand development can help hoteliers send that message to these audiences.

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Ray George Ray George is a Director in the New York office of Prophet, a management consultancy that helps clients achieve competitive advantage by creating and implementing integrated business, brand and marketing strategies. Ray can be reached at