In Part 4 of this positioning series, I want to discuss the process of selecting which position to take in a market segment.

There is, in my approach, a Golden Rule:

A strong position is one that already exists in the mind of the segment.

I have sat through numerous positioning exercises, where people delineate the inherent qualities of their products, and then try to determine which positions they can adopt based on those qualities.

Which is like drilling a round hole and then searching for a peg that fits it.

A position doesn't begin with you. You don't define the position you're going to take. You assess what positions exist in the segment's mind and then determine which of those you have the best chance—based on your own strengths—of occupying and defending.

More directly said: The marketplace defines the positions, and you try to win one of them.

Your Ears Are the Best Research Tool

How do you determine the positions your segments have defined? Focus groups? Intense market research? Sometimes—especially if you're trying to enter a new market. But in my experience, there's an easier and more direct way.

Listen to your markets.

They tell you every day, constantly. They tell your sales people. Your channel partners. Your user groups. Your customers. Your prospects. Your competitors. The analysts that cover your marketplace.

Listen to your markets.

A Simple Example

Let me offer an example of this process, using a product category I've never worked with and simply pulled out of thin air for this article: athlete's foot remedies.

The first thing I did was listen: in this case the reviews of products at consumer review sites (a real effort would involve a great deal more listening). Four consistent patterns of interest were present.

  1. Speed of results.
  2. Effectiveness.
  3. Price.
  4. Scope of use.

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image of Michael Fischler

Michael Fischler is founder and principal coach and consultant of Markitek (, which for over a decade has provided marketing consulting and coaching services to companies around the world, from startups and SMEs to giants like Kodak and Pirelli. You can contact him by clicking here.

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