You’d think it would make sense, wouldn’t you? Here you are surfing the Internet. And this Web site is giving you an $86 discount compared with another site—a whole 30% difference. Yet you end up buying the product from the site with the higher price. Now why on earth would you do something as irrational as that?

You sure wanted to save the $86. Yet something about the second site sucked you in. What was that something?

Once you learn this nifty psychological marketing factor, you will feel naked without it. And then you’ll use it to your advantage in all your marketing—and get higher prices, too. Interested? Of course you are. Stand back and watch this marketing mystery unfold.

Remember That Game You Played as a Child?

You know the one, where you spot the six differences between two pictures. This is somewhat similar—except that there really aren’t six differences, just one.

And, no, it’s not the design. And as I told you, it’s certainly not the price. But let me not prompt you. Let’s see what you can come up with.

Here’s the link to the first site:

Looks straightforward, doesn’t it? It’s got all the information you need to buy. It’s got the model number, the price and the availability of the product. Yes, it’s all there. Believe me, I checked. Clickity-clack and you’re on your way to buying the product, right? Maybe. But then look at the second page before you decide.

Here’s site number two—same product, different price:

The same product on the sales page of this site costs $86 more than on the previous site. So what makes me so hesitant? Why do I feel compelled to buy from here instead of the earlier site?

Welcome to the dilemma of most of your customers. The difference is the “full story.” The second site gives me the whole enchilada. The first site simply sells me the basic specifications, and so doubt grows in my mind.

Sure, I know the model is the same. But what if the one above doesn’t have Dragon Naturally Speaking as part of it? Mmm... I really want it as part of the features.

And does the earlier one have a headphone and external microphone? Or would I have to go out and buy some additional accessories? Grumble, grumble, mutter, mutter, think, think, chug, chug. Ooh, this is such a pain.

The first price looks awfully inviting, but the second one… ah, I can see the picture! I know that’s exactly what I want. Then I can see every itty-bitty specification. Check, check, I go down the line. Yes, it’s exactly what I want.

Watch as My Blood Pressure Rises

You can’t see it now, but my pupils are expanding. My heartbeat has gotten a little quicker. The more I see, the more I am convinced. The more I read, the closer my credit card is itching to be zapped. Site number two has really got me excited. I can see it, touch it and feel the product. I want it now. Where’s that credit card gone off to now?

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Sean D'Souza uses age-old psychology, marrying it to modern technology, on his Web site, Can "psychological tactics" make a difference? Go there and find out.