Prince was right. In 1999 we were partying.

I loved the smell of HTML in the morning. It smelled like victory.

Oh yeah—those were the days.

Sure, spam was an issue in '99. Who cared? Open rates were spectacular. You could see marketing happen in real time—all for 4 cents an email—heady times indeed.

Technology rocked in the good old days.

I wrote—along with many others—about the dangers of email and ways to kill your brand with this new tool. Most email marketers were like babies with loaded shotguns. That was OK with us. It made our stuff look and work even better.

We were happy to help our competitors. After all, if people used email effectively we'd have a brand new channel to market in—one people would pay attention to; one that delivered measurable results.

Then, horribly, sometime in '01 or early '02, the promise of legitimate email marketing ended faster than a free pass at a porn site. Spam grew like kudzu in a hot Georgia summer. Address lists were passed around like a second grade love note.

People got offended quickly—even when you had a legitimate reason to solicit them. Now, according to the fine folks at Brightmail, 40% of the email we get is spam. Only about 20% of commercial broadcast is advertising.

Do the math: your inbox is twice as cluttered as your favorite radio station or TV show.

Poor us.

But the evaporation of opportunity doesn't stop there. While email might cost you 3 or 4 cents a pop to send (if you are paying more, you're getting ripped off), it is costing ISPs millions in bandwidth expense.

Don't think for a minute your friendly neighborhood ISP is going to eat that. At this very moment heavy meetings are going on in almost every major ISP, working to figure out how they can gain legitimate control over every email that crosses their network.

The Post Office generated a rare profit from unsolicited mail this year while many ISPs struggled to raise their revenue line. There is a lesson here that is not lost on the likes of AOL, Earthlink, and the monster MSOs. Namely, that they'll be happy to help identify spam—spam will simply be defined as mail from people not in your address book and not paying your provider to deliver to you.

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Tom Barnes is CEO of Mediathink (, a consultancy specializing in media and marketing strategy and implementation. Contact him at