Most business people don't think of themselves as in control of their lives. And by and large, most are not.

Why? Because they don't know how to prioritize.

Here is a look at 11 tips to guide you in your life journey. Take them in stride, act on them as you see fit, and perhaps each of you will become a better person or--at the very least--find out what matters.

1. If you are afraid, face it.

It's okay to be afraid, just never give up because of fear. Focus on the outcome, not the journey. No matter how scared you are, do the things you want to do. Remember the mantra from our heroes of 9/11 when even in danger they said, "We'll make it. We'll get out of here."

2. Persistence and perseverance always win out.

"No. No. No." "No thank you." "That's great but not today." "Get back to us in six months." "We have no budget." "Your idea stinks." "Our budget doesn't allow for that kind of expense." "Top management has mandated we go another route."

You can feel lost, fail a lot, but you must never give up. Keep trying. Sooner or later your efforts will pay off.

3. A good long talk never hurts anyone.

Don't lose sight of the importance of talking things out. Whether going for a Krispy Kreme donut, having a cup of tea in your den or gathering at a church event, always have a safe haven to discuss what concerns you.

4. A good long listen helps both parties.

Toss yourself to the side for a moment and discover the importance of listening. Set up a time when any and all can come and be heard. Throw in a pat on the back or a good long hug and you've got a friend for life.

5. Being true to yourself is what matters most.

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Laurel Delaney ( is the founder of and the creator of "Borderbuster," an e-newsletter, and The Global Small Business Blog. She can be reached at