They say you can't judge a book by its cover. But you sure can tell a great deal about prospective vendors by the quality of their PowerPoint presentations.
Like it or not, everyone forms first impressions--it's human nature. When you first meet prospective vendors, you quickly form opinions about them based on their professional appearance, demeanor, timeliness, interpersonal skills, and sincerity.
Usually, within minutes of meeting, you'll probably be watching the vendor's PowerPoint presentation. Just as potential vendors make a statement through their professional appearance, they also speak volumes about themselves through the quality of their presentation.
What you learn by analyzing their PowerPoint is fair game in making a first impression of their knowledge and performance capability, and what you can expect in your relationship with them.
As you “read between the bullet points” of their PowerPoint, ask yourself these five questions to help you make your decision on which vendor is the best fit for the job:
1. Is my business really important to them?
If it is, they invested an appropriate amount of resources to produce a presentation that impressed you. They made an effort to understand what you already know, and tailored their presentation appropriately. They researched your company and were familiar with the problems you want to solve. They showed you real-world examples of how they were able to solve problems similar to yours.
If your business is not important to them, you're likely to feel like they've presented this PowerPoint to 100 other companies, and you're Victim 101. Fortunately for you, you don't need to be the Victim any longer than the end of this meeting.
After all, the quality of their work they invested in this presentation will likely correspond with the quality of their work on your project.
2. Did they respect my time?
If they did, they obviously planned the meeting in detail, and rehearsed what they had to say. They thoughtfully selected presentation material that was most relevant and appropriate for your situation, and presented it in an efficient and interesting way. They worked out time-consuming technology issues beforehand, such as whether their laptop is compatible with the projector.
If they didn't, the meeting was scattered, and they probably brought inappropriate presentation materials. There's nothing worse than a poorly prepared, aimless presentation that wastes both your time and theirs.
If they didn't make you feel like the meeting with you was the most important thing they did today, what was the purpose of the meeting?
3. Did they respect my intelligence?