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Stephan Spencer is the founder and president of Netconcepts, a 10 year-old multinational web agency specializing in search engine friendly web design and ecommerce, as well as email marketing through Netconcepts' gravityMail division. Stephan is a Senior Contributor for He has contributed to Catalog Age, Unlimited, New Zealand Marketing magazine, Building Online Business, and others. He is co-author of the analyst report "The State of Search Engine Marketing 1.0 – New Strategies for Successful Cataloging" published by Catalog Age. He is a sought-after speaker at conferences around the globe for organizations such as IIR, IQPC, the DMA, SMEI, and Internet World.


Toby Bloomberg is a marketing consultant and a blogger. As president of Bloomberg Marketing, she helps clients increase business opportunities by developing integrated marketing plans that utilize interactive tactics, such as blogs, and incorporating traditional initiatives when appropriate.  Toby speaks nationally on Internet and traditional marketing topics; instructs a management consulting course at the Goizueta School of Business at Emory University and is a teaching artist for the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta. Although she now calls Atlanta home, Toby is a Yankee from Boston.

Seth Godin is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and agent of change. He is the author of six books that have been bestsellers around the world and changed the way people think about marketing, change and work. These include: Permission Marketing, Unleashing the Ideavirus, The Big Red Fez, Survival is Not Enough, Purple Cow, and Free Prize Inside. Seth is also a renowned speaker and was recently chosen as one of 21 Speakers for the Next Century by Successful Meetings. Seth was founder and CEO of Yoyodyne, the industry's leading interactive direct marketing company, which Yahoo! acquired in late 1998.

Shel Israel is editor in chief of Conferenza, an insider’s e-newsletter covering technology executive conferences. He also describes himself as a “recovering publicist” and is currently co-authoring a book on why businesses should blog, Seth is creating this work on a blog ( and his new book will be published by John Wiley & Sons in January.

B.L. Ochman is president of, an Internet Marketing and Business Blog. A strategist, and blogger, her Internet marketing clients include Ford Motors and IBM. BL is the publisher of What’s Next Blog and the marketing tactics newsletter What’s Next Online. She is also author of "What Could Your Business Do With a Blog? 

Steve Rubel is a PR strategist with nearly 15 years of public relations, marketing, journalism, and communications experience. He currently serves as Vice President, Client Services at CooperKatz & Company, a mid-size PR firm in midtown New York City. Widely viewed as an expert on blogging, podcasting and open source marketing, Steve heads up the agency's new Micro Persuasion practice, which helps clients launch conversational marketing programs. He widely evangelizes the use of these new technologies via his well-read Micro Persuasion weblog.

Doc Searls is a writer and speaker on topics that arise where technology and business meet. Senior Editor of Linux Journal and head of the online journal Doc Searls' IT Garage, he is also co-author of the best-selling book The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual. A former radio personality, Doc has appeared on TechTV, CNBC, CNet Radio, and as a moderator and panelist at events in the U.S. and abroad. He is also a regular on two on-Web radio programs: The Linux Show and The Gillmor Gang. Doc co-founded Hodskins Simone and Searls in 1978, which became one of Silicon Valley's leading advertising and public relations agencies.

Robert Scoble is one of the blogging world's most well-known personalities. He works at Microsoft as a technical evangelist for the Longhorn team. Robert's blog, at, is known as The Scobleizer, and recognized as one of the most popular and most linked blogs on the Internet. Robert is co-authoring the book The Red Couch, along with Shel Israel. Robert and Shel together maintain The Red Couch blog at

Debbie Weil is President of WordBiz, a Washington D.C.-based publishing and consulting firm that works with senior marketers to provide strategic consulting on how to incorporate a blog into a company’s online marketing strategy. Debbie has a unique background as a former journalist with an MBA and corporate marketing experience. She worked for Network Solutions, Inc., the original dot com company. She has published WordBiz Report, an award-winning e-newsletter about email and Web content marketing, since July 2001, now read by 15,000 subscribers in 87 countries. She is a widely read columnist for, writes regularly for and has spoken at a number of Internet and marketing conferences and public workshops on Business Blogging & RSS.


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