Score, Plan, Convert: Demand Generation

Working Webinar Series

Score, Plan, Convert: Demand Generation

Build a powerful, targeted lead nurturing program that guides prospects from interest to purchase. In this four-part Working Webinar Series, Kenda Macdonald helps you design a lead generation strategy that works for you.

Kenda Macdonald

Four 60-minute sessions

Series Overview

Convert more prospects with buyer psychology—using simple neuroscience-based hooks! Like the smell of fresh-baked cookies, these hooks attract prospects and get their mouths watering for your content and offers.

Discover these effective hooks and how to employ them in your marketing with Kenda Macdonald, author of Hack the Buyer Brain. And then, with Kenda's guidance, you'll automate these customer experiences for repeated success. With the techniques you learn in this seires, you'll save yourself time while creating a steady stream of qualified leads—and customers who become repeat buyers.

Print out the worksheets and let's get started. Kenda makes it easy in this four-part, hands-on workshop.


Session 1

Content and Behavior Intent Planning

Does your content convert as well as it should? In this session, you'll boost your demand generation success using psychology know-how.

During session 1, you will:

  • Make future content creation easier with top-performing content plan formats
  • Understand how to make compelling content that prospects want to engage with
  • Adapt your existing content for different stages of the buying journey—and identify which content works best
  • Awareness and content adaptation (worksheet exercise)

Don't leave your demand generation to chance. Instead, predict your prospects' behavior with buyer psychology—and cater to their precise content needs during their customer journey.

Session 2

Lead Scoring and Progressive Profiling

Lead scoring is a powerful tool to qualify—and disqualify—your prospects. Learn how to score your prospects properly to fill your pipeline with sales-qualified leads.

During session 2, you will:

  • Unpack robust, multidimensional Lead Scoring algorithms
  • Keep your leads progressively profiled for a higher accuracy than an initial score
  • Identify a prospect's intent behavior to separate the buyers from the tire-kickers
  • Profile building and lead scoring, plus adaptations that may make sense for your market (worksheet exercise)

Suitable for both beginners and more advanced demand gen marketers, this session gives you the crucial know-how to progressively profile your audience.

Session 3

Cascading Your Lead Magnets

Increase the odds of converting new leads into paying customers with a steady drip of lead magnets and content your customers love.

During session 3, you will:

  • Organize a nurture campaign with ongoing lead magnets
  • Daisy chain your content for effective engagement
  • Plan your buyer stages—when to nurture, when to follow up
  • Cascade your own lead magnets in a custom nurture campaign (worksheet exercise)

Quality, ongoing lead nurturing is the cornerstone of robust demand generation. Cascade your nurture campaigns to enjoy higher conversion rates.

Session 4

Fulfillment After Conversion

Demand gen marketer, your job is never done! Automate your ongoing contact to ensure your customers are getting the best value out of their purchase.

During session 4, you will:

  • Discover the power of fulfillment and customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Improve CLV through effective follow-up
  • Nudge sales intent behavior after the initial purchase to create repeat buyers
  • Automate your fulfillment campaigns for increased customer satisfaction

A happy customer is more inclined to make another purchase. Craft a world-class post-conversion experience for your buyers—and then automate it.

Headshot of Kenda Macdonald

Meet Kenda

Founder | Automation Ninjas

Kenda Macdonald is a behavioral psychology expert who brings a science-based approach to her award-winning demand generation automation programs. She's MarketingProfs' demand generation practice lead, the founder of Automation Ninjas, a doting cat mom, and the author of the bestselling book Hack The Buyer Brain.

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