Grow Revenue With B2B Buyer Personas—Learn How With Ardath Albee

Working Webinar Series

Building and Using B2B Buyer Personas to Grow Revenue

The information a CFO requires about your solution differs from what a project manager wants. Become a trusted advisor on their buyers' journey with marketing messages targeting each stakeholder's unique needs.

Ardath Albee

All sessions available to stream now!

Each session is 60 minutes

Series Overview

B2B buyers are becoming more self-reliant in their search for product and service solutions. But one-size-fits-all marketing may overlook an individual's interests, possibly removing your brand from the buyer's list of trusted options.

With Buyer Personas, you can provide custom messages to different types of customers. By addressing their individual roles and interests, you'll provide relevant information to prospects, prepare them to work with the sales team, and increase your revenue.

In this Working Webinar Series, Ardath Albee walks you step by step to create Buyer Persona templates for your market, and put them to use building relationships with your prospects and existing customers.


Session 1

Researching Your B2B Buyer Personas

A successful B2B content marketing strategy starts with well-researched Buyer Personas. Discover how to research your target audience to both "know" your potential customers and understand their needs.

During session 1, you will:

  • Determine which types of customers to build into your buyer personas
  • Understand where your ideal customer profile (ICP) comes into play
  • Get the components to include (and which to exclude) for an actionable buyer persona
  • Formulate customer interview questions that get honest answers and deep insights

To move the needle on your sales objectives, start with the research that leads to increased engagement with your potential customers.

Session 2

Building Your B2B Buyer Personas

Research complete. Now it's time to build your Buyer Personas, separating the wheat from the chaff to find the core elements of your target audience.

During session 2, you will:

  • Build your buyer personas, deciding what information to toss and what to keep
  • Create questions around your research insights—so you can answer those questions with marketing content
  • Identify the content your target audience requires at each stage of their journey

Once you build your B2B buyer personas, you'll have a guide for your content marketing campaigns. Soon you'll be speaking to your target customers' pain points and unique needs.

Session 3

Putting Your B2B Buyer Personas to Work

Congratulations, you've researched and built your B2B Buyer Personas. Put your personas to work and you'll see an impact on your marketing strategy, including targeted content creation.

During session 3, you will:

  • Socialize your buyer personas, getting your team and key stakeholders on the same page
  • Improve your prospect's experience with a targeted content marketing strategy
  • Extract insights from your buyer personas to develop awesome, compelling content that your target audience finds informative and useful

With well-defined personas informing your B2B content marketing strategy, you'll align marketing with the customer success and sales teams and fill your sales pipeline.

Session 4

Keeping Your B2B Buyer Personas On Point

Markets change... and so do the players. To reflect your evolving market, it's helpful to continually refresh your buyer personas. Fortunately, it's easier than you think.

During session 4, you will:

  • Discover a painless way to keep your B2B Buyer Personas updated and your content marketing strategy relevant
  • Learn the marketing mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of your buyer personas
  • Identify triggers to know when it's time to update your buyer personas

Stay current with your target audience, keeping your buyer personas—and the pain points they experience—fresh and relevant to your market.

Headshot of Ardath Albee

Meet Ardath

CEO & B2B Marketing Strategist | Marketing Interactions

Ardath Albee helps B2B companies create persona-driven content marketing strategies to turn prospects into buyers and convince customers to stay. She is the author of Digital Relevance: Developing Marketing Content + Strategies That Drive Results and eMarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale.

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