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FAQs How does MarketingProfs.com differ from other Internet marketing websites? Many marketing websites are devoted to telling you marketing news and stories. These might help you see what other companies are doing. But you need the know-how to do it for yourself, and we provide the know-how, analysis and perspective of both professors who teach, research and consult based on state-of-the-art marketing ideas AND professionals who work in the trenches of marketing. We also don't just focus on web marketing but also offline marketing. Also,we cover both the tactical and strategic aspects of marketing, where most sites cover only tactics. Finally, we alone do not allow puffery on our site and in our dealings with our membership and advertisers. How often does content get updated on the MarketingProfs.com site? Currently we put about 7 fresh content articles on the site every week. Since we are not a news organization and, as a result, our content does not go out of date, you can always find useful articles on this website. Plus, we try to provide you with new ideas rather than tired old ideas over and over again, so this takes time. What does membership in MarketingProfs.com mean? Membership means having access to our archives, being able to save articles for future reading, access to our popular Know-How Exchange, and access to other features as we bring them online. Our articles on marketing know-how are continuously improving, highly practical tutorials, written by professionals who have been there and MBA level professors from top universities who also consult with major corporations. Basic membership is free and it's easy to join by clicking here. However, for more in-depth marketing know-how, our subscribers upgrade to PRO Membership. To learn what benefits they receive, click here. How do I subscribe to MarketingProfs Today? When you become a member of the MarketingProfs.com site, you are automatically subscribed to our newsletter. But if you just want to subscribe to the newsletter, simply subscribe using the box in the left navigation bar (above). Do you accept submitted articles? We are always interested in publishing high quality marketing articles. Our main caveat is that we do not allow blatent advertising of services in return for submitted articles, as this would compromise the integrity and objectivity of the site. Click here to read more about this and some other guidelines. Contact our Chief Content Officer (her email address is below) if you are interested. What if I have additional questions about content on the site? Contact Ann Handley
at ann@MarketingProfs.com.