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MarketingProfs Daily: Content

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  • What's Your Hook?
    You've undoubtedly developed a great elevator pitch for your company, product or service—that informative-yet-concise summation designed for delivery in the time it takes to travel from the lobby to the 17th floor. But what about visitors to your Web site—do you have a punchy way of telling them, in two ... more
  • Keep It Simple, Smarty Pants
    "When it comes to website copywriting, design and development," says Rick Sloboda of Webcopyplus, "simple is always better." While an overly complex site will do nothing but confuse and frustrate many of your customers, a straightforward approach makes it easier for them to: Find answers for ... more
  • A Splash of Color for Your Whitepapers
    Have you ever fantasized about curling up by a roaring fire with a cup of cocoa and your favorite whitepaper? Probably not. Because, while we crave the information they contain, they are too often dry and long-winded. But in an article at MarketingProfs, Jonathan Kranz explains how to improve your ... more
  • Good Copy, Bad Copy
    We never tire of good writing advice, and Anna Goldsmith of The Hired Pens recommends an interesting editing process that begins with taking a break. "We all know that when we're too close to things, we don't see them clearly," she says. So after writing your first draft, go for ... more
  • Talk to Me—Less
    Another Monday. Another newsletter to crank out. You've built a decent subscriber list, and your clients are happy to receive your ramblings. So why aren't you that happy to produce them? Perhaps you need to give yourself a break. Enter Kevin Sinclair with his Quick Newsletter Tips. Who knew you ... more
  • Surf the Huge Blue Wave of Web-Design Success
    Any teacher can tell you that students have three basic learning channels: auditory (written and spoken words); visual (pictures and graphics); and kinesthetic (hands-on activities). If you had to choose your preferred channel for online communication, you'd probably pick verbal communication. But, says Rick Sloboda of Webcopyplus, only 20 percent ... more
  • The Case for Cases
    A Pro Membership at MarketingProfs includes access to case studies that examine a new story of marketing success each week. A recent example—written by Kimberly Smith—looks at Tripmela, a site that aggregates and broadcasts travel bargains to India through a weekly "10 Best Deals" newsletter. In the study's Quick Read ... more
  • Put Your Words to Work
    Ardath Albee has a word for the marketing copy that loiters at your website without any clear goals or ambition: Unemployed. "[C]ontent, to be of value to anyone, must do something," she says in a post at her Marketing Interactions blog. In other words, it should have a job. According to ... more
  • Don't Move That. Seriously.
    Beyond key words, beyond placement tactics, there is one unchangeable Golden Rule of SEO for content, according to Ray "Catfish" Comstock: Once you create online content, don't move it. "I used to think that this was obvious," Comstock says. "… But I found that there are many clients that still do ... more
  • Ditch the Spam, Pitch Content
    If you've ever been on the receiving end of bad pitches, you know the feeling of sheer exasperation when yet another example of terrible PR arrives in your inbox. In that moment, someone could be excused for agreeing with the statement "Pitch=Spam." But it isn't true in a general sense. ... more
  • Get Them Sparkling White!
    Earlier this year, Michael Stelzner predicted a jump in demand for white papers by B2B marketers. That prediction is apparently coming true: financial and Internet-service companies are just two examples of B2B firms discovering the power of white papers. Why the white-paper mania? Stelzner cites the usual culprits—social media and the economy—as trend ... more

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