Demand Gen: Score, Plan, Convert

A MarketingProfs workshop with instructor Kenda Macdonald

November 12, 2024 | 9:00am – 3:30pm ET
Omni Boston Seaport | Ensemble B

Are you excited? Because we're excited.

Whether you're still packing for Boston or already on-site at the Omni—welcome!

Here are some need-to-knows to make your #MPB2B workshop a ridiculously awesome experience.

Need Help?

Questions? Concerns? Contact us at Or, if you're already on the ground in Boston, swing by the event Help Desk starting at 7:00am on workshop day.

What to Bring

Kenda asks that you bring your laptop with you. Don't forget a pen to take notes in your workbook.


Demand Gen: Score, Plan, Convert takes place in Ensemble B on floor 2. Please check the app for a map or ask a member of the event staff for directions.

You can find all workshop meals and refreshment breaks in the Ensemble Foyer on floor 2.

Agenda for November 12

  • 7:00am – 7:00pm | Registration and Badge Pick-Up
  • 7:30am – 9:00am | Breakfast
  • 9:00am – 10:30am | Workshop
  • 10:30am – 11:00am | Refreshment Break
  • 10:45am – 12:00pm | Workshop
  • 12:00pm – 1:00pm | Lunch
  • 1:00pm – 2:30pm | Workshop
  • 2:30pm – 3:00pm | Refreshment Break
  • 3:00pm – 3:30pm | Workshop

Companion e-Learning

This workshop includes on-demand e-learning designed to expand and reinforce what you learn in the classroom: The MarketingProfs Master Class The Secret of My (Demand Gen) Success.

If you're a PRO member, you already have access to this Master Class. If you're not PRO, you can complete this e-learning through January 12.

MarketingProfs Demand Generation Marketer II Certification

By participating in Demand Gen: Score, Plan, Convert, you're eligible for MarketingProfs certification. You must complete these steps to earn this credential: attend the live workshop, complete the companion e-learning, and pass the exam with a score of 70% within 60 days.

Your Instructor

Headshot of Kenda Macdonald

Kenda Macdonald

VP of Enablement | Made With Intent
CEO | Automation Ninjas
Best-Selling Author | Hack the Buyer Brain

Kenda's a forensic psychology expert who uses buyer behavior to refine and optimize demand generation campaigns. She's currently the Vice President of Enablement at Made With Intent and the founder and CEO of Automation Ninjas, the UK's leading behavioral automation agency. Plus, Kenda's an international public speaker, a multi-award-winning businesswoman, a doting cat mom, and the author of the bestselling book Hack The Buyer Brain.


As a reminder, the workshop slides will not be provided as a takeaway.


You must complete this companion e-learning to earn your certification.


You'll also receive a physical copy of your workbook in your workshop room.


Awareness Plans


You must complete the live workshop and e-learning before taking the exam.