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  • Did you know that 5.7 million Google searches are conducted every minute, on average? Or how about that TikTok users watch 167 million videos every minute?

  • How are your media-monitoring efforts going? Is your team getting all the actionable insights it needs—or does it seem like you're falling behind and you're constantly frustrated with your current solution? If you're considering a refresh, this Meltwater demo offers an under-the-hood look at its monitoring platform. Sponsored by Meltwater.

  • Content creators and influencers say their favorite social platforms are TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, according to recent research from The Influencer Marketing Factory.

  • This infographic looks at differences between social media and SEO in nine areas: topics, formats, audience targeting, conversion likelihood, speed, upper limits, effort and durability, measurement, and interdependence.

  • What's so great about influencer marketing? This infographic from Americanoize provides 12 reasons why it can be a boon for brands.

  • Do LinkedIn posts with links or those without links garner more engagement? To find out, Social Insider and Lightspan Digital analyzed engagement (likes, comments, and shares) on 86,504 LinkedIn posts from 883 brand pages.

  • This infographic from Depositphotos explores the state of video marketing and video-related stats for four key platforms: YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.

  • This infographic from the LinkedIn's Marketing Solutions team provides three key reasons why the social network is great for B2B marketers: audience, engagement, and trust.

  • Using hashtags can be an effective way to boost the reach of your LinkedIn posts. This infographic explores five hashtags popular with marketers on LinkedIn, including the follower count for each.

  • This infographic from Cure Media provides an overview of how to create an influencer brand post, covering the key steps from start to finish.

  • This infographic covers key video stats, trends, and specs (dimensions, aspect ratios, lengths, etc.) for six popular social networks: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

  • Social media can no longer be the job of only one department or outside agency; integration is the key to success. Read this article to identify the cross-discipline strategy that'll work for you.

  • LinkedIn recorded a 63% jump in the number of marketing jobs posted on the platform in the first half of 2021, according to research from the social network.

  • For a business to thrive on social media, its social media marketing efforts must be conversion-focused. Here are five ways to increase your social media conversion rate.

  • It would take more than an hour for a person to read the legal fine print for popular online platforms such as Google, Facebook, and PayPal, according to recent research from Reboot Online Marketing.

  • Data analysis does not exist in a vacuum; it is conducted by analysts who bring their inherent subjectivity to the process. It's time to acknowledge that and only then proceed to determine which metrics to track with holistic analytics.

  • It's easy to get overzealous and dive into every new social media app that people are using, but some platforms may not be the best fit for your brand. Where should you spend your time, energy, and marketing budget? This article has some tips.

  • Influencer marketing is no longer a B2C-exclusive space. Many B2B brands are discovering the benefits of an influencer strategy. Here are five tactics to use when planning your B2B influencer campaign.

  • If you're like most marketers, you love LinkedIn Ads for their B2B targeting capabilities. But you may not love the high price tag, especially if your ads aren't performing as well as they could be. It's time to boost your performance with the right ad strategy and relevant calls to action.

  • Dogecoin was created as a joke in 2013, after two hours of development by an engineer and an entrepreneur. So how can we explain the recent Dogecoin frenzy? From the perspective of marketing, what turned a joke into the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap? Let's take a look.