
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help With Naming A Puzzle.

Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on 1000 Points
To make a long story short, one of my client's premier products due for release this Christmas Season has encountered a name issue. Apparently, the trademark expired and someone else jumped on it before he could.

Anyway, we have to not only rebrand the most popular puzzle in his line (over 10 years old and well known in the puzzle community by its current name), but rename the website which not only possesses the same name as his puzzle, but has several #1 and #2 Google ranks for key words such as "wood puzzle".

The Puzzles are geometrically shaped (Cube, Orb, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone), and the names include the shape combined with a prefix that forms a "new" word similar to complex terms (i.e. OrbSticle, PyrPlex, CyliPlex).

We need a new name for the Cube and we need it fast! I was thinking of something catchy like "Cube Fury", or "Cubicon"...especially since it is hitting major retail stores very soon. It has over 54 different tesselated shapes, the most difficult being able to create a 4X4 cube with perfect checkerboard patterns on each side. This puzzle has won many awards, been praised by Jerry Slocum of Beverly Hills Puzzle Foundation, and has over 100,000 orders pending WorlWide and growing everyday.

So you see, this is quite a dilema. WE need a catchy, relevant name for the puzzle AND a new site name that will retain our Google positioning. The puzzle name should contain the word "Cube" (or a synonym) and have a second part/pre-fix indicitive of a perplexing puzzle...a challenge...a "Mind Block" (another name I thought of) etc.

The site name can be "" for all we care since the primary focus is SEO. If you take the time to suggest a site name, I would love you forever if you check the availability before posting it.

Any help you can provide would be most appreciated!
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Author
    Good Ideas!

    I should correct my question: I mean "suffix" instead of "prefix"...although a prefix is not out of the question.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted

    A very long time ago I named a game product "Qube" – it never took off and I've seen the Qube name since. Maybe …

    The Amazing Qube

    I’ll be back,

    - Steve
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Dr. Zog's BaffyCube
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    or Dr. Wood's BaffyQube
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    The JumbleWood Cube
  • Posted by tjh on Accepted
    stanley's cuberick
    cubicist pro

    (lol, just send $$)
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Mr. Baffywood’s Cube

    ok, done for now.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi jett,

    been thinking about you name,

    how about

    cube zilla
    cube-a- cool (lol)

    if i think of more i will post

    have a nice day
    and i hope this helps oh great one


  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Author
    You guys and gals are AWESOME!! Thank you so much for the feedback and great name ideas!

    I am knee deep in it so I will post individual responses later.

    Keep em coming.

    P.S. I just spoke with my client and the first name of the puzzle was "Tesserect" (combo of tesselated and erect). Now the term "erect" has a sexual reference but so does "Erector Set" and "Bungee Balls". etc. LOL.

    For the past 10 years it has been called CalmPlex (combo of calming and perplexing). If you run a google on the name, you will see an herbal medication with the same name, hence the conflict.

    What are your thoughts on this? Keep in mind this puzzle was created for the extreme puzzle fanatics, mathematicians, cubists and the like, so "Tesserect" has an intellectual meaning, but I fear it does not brand the product well for the general public who grew to love the puzzle as well.
  • Posted by tjh on Accepted
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted

    Its worth noting that there is some research emerging on attractive names, that suggests that men prefer names with lots of vowels and women prefer names with fewer vowels.
    The research hasn't been very scientificly done at the moment, but if you stop to think about it, it becomes a credible arguement.

    If you believe it or not, its interesting reading
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Author
    I can't say for sure that the drug company played a hand in this so let me be clear that I make no negative statement about them or mean to imply they were directly involved.

    All I know so far is there was a trademark issue that went to court and we lost.

    I like the idea of simly changing the spelling. Let me check with my client.

    Hey, does anyone have the link to that website that generates names? They even have a pharmacuetical name generator. Let me know if you find it before I do.

    Thanks everyone!
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Mathwood Cube
    Befuddle Cube
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Author

    I like your attitude! LOL. Finally someone as brash as I.

    I DO appreciate every post though. Thank You!!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Blaine, the name generation site you might be thinking of is

    I haven't had much free-radical brain time today... not sure if I'll be able to offer any ideas, but you KNOW how much I enjoy playing the name game! Meanwhile, I hope you get some more good stuff from the other members.

    - S
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted
    Cube Names: Cubiflex, Cublex, Cubitron, Cube54, 4D Cube, PuzziCube, Cubypher, SuperCube, CubiMax.

    Site Name: It is important to show that this site is the Original, including the world "The Original" or "The Main", "The First".


    Juan carlos
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi jett,

    how about:

    • jett-plex-cube

    • gigacube

    • matrix-cube

    • the googler

    • load of the cubes

    • enigma cube

    • conundrumical

    • perplexycube

    • Hope this helps you

      Have a nice day


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