
Topic: Just for Fun

Charity Event - Assistance Requested!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am writing today to solicit a small favor. I am participating in a charity event supporting the American Heart Association and I need votes. I figured what better place to post a viral marketing campaign to solicit votes on my behalf! Every vote gains more donations for the AHA and I am hoping you will help. Just visit the following link and vote for me, David Tallant! All you have to do is enter your email address and your name. The link is:

I would like to have the most votes in Dallas! The event ends on September 29th so I need your votes today! Please help me out and help support a good cause!

Thanks in advance!

Your marketing network contact,

David Tallant

Color Imaging & Design

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  • Posted on Author
    That is why it is posted in the "JUST FOR FUN" section :) I am not sure if they are planning on using the email addresses because you can enter anything email address and any name and it will register a vote. I am just too ethical to do it :)


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