
Topic: Branding

How To Conduct A Brand Discovery Workshop??

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need to conduct a brand discovery workshop for a newly established there a set process I should follow? I'm looking for a structure to work with my clients....a who, what, why kind of brand discovery template! URGENT
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  • Posted by ilan on Member
    You need to establish some crieteria for yourself before you embark on the very open adventure of "Brand Discovery"
    First of all, what does it mean?
    Who participates in it? Is research part of this project? what will be the deliverable outcome? and so on and on...
    I will be receptive to a phone conversation with you on the subject, please call me if you want to get better ideas from someone who does branding seminars for corporations, ad agencies, implements and teaches branding.
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Zoe,

    As ilan mentions above, it is not entirely clear as to what you mean by "brand discovery". If you're looking at research, I've done both qualitative and quantitative research on branding and concept development, but there isn't necessarily a 'formula' that is appropriate in every situation. It would be helpful to know the specific industry you're working with, and the audience you're targeting. Research studies can be set up to address many branding and concept development issues, but it's hard to say exactly what would make the most sense since it depends upon the unique situation.

  • Posted on Author
    The brand in question is an investment company...offering people shared property investment. They are newly established and are needing to solidify their brand in terms of positioning, personality, target audience, messaging keys etc....I know what they need....I'm just not sure how to structure the discussion to get the best information out of everyone. The brand needs it's blueprint...a manuel to move forward into its marketing strategy.
  • Posted on Accepted
    The comments provided by previous respondents are all very valid. We use a structure that has proved pretty sucessful for us and i am happy to forward this to you.

  • Posted on Author
    TREVOR - I would greatly appreciate anything you could email to email is - Thank you so much...everyone for all the help and assistance!
  • Posted on Member
    I am about to do a Brand Visioning Workshop for a small botique Wine Tasting Room in the Napa Valley. I would also appreciate receiving a copy of the structure you have used, as well.

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