
Topic: Advertising/PR

Ruthlss Entrepren*ur: Mcure Response

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I got an email from Stephen Gill regarding this posting and after reading the critiques just had to respond.

First off thanks a million for the feedback and while I did not design the site, pictures or anything like that I still feel it is a powerful site, but again I am biased and it is you people that I have to listen to. My only concern was the critiques questioning my credibility, etc so I would like to address that now if I may.

The photos with the same shirt was a professional photo shoot I did in Singapore and thus when I sent the pics to Stephen I sent him 12-15 variations. But it was from a single shoot thus the same shirt.

The claim of working with two hundred of the FORTUNE 500 is a little off base. I went back and counted and I have actually trained/conducted private speaking events to 231 of the FORTUNE 500, including every major auto company in North America. As for the 4,000 workshops, that claim is right on due to the fact that when I was a speaker with Brian Tracy’s organization and on my own I actually would make guest appearences for 45-60 minutes roughly 4-5 times daily (morning Kick Offs, luncheons, afternoon conferences and evening meetings), 5 days a week and ALWAYS one on Saturday at an MLM or auto company with their sales team. In 2001 alone I conducted 688!

Over the past 2 years I have had the good fortune of speaking in front of audiences from 250 to 2,000 in Europe, Asia, S. America and last year the Middle East. The feed back I received in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia alone was refreshing and uplifting as they reiterated what I already knew…salespeople and entrepreneurs want a new voice(s), new material, a new entrepreneurial spirit and when I was there with Tom Peters and Brian Tracy they (the audience) sincerely gave me thanks for bringing my program to them. Many stated that it more then lived up to the hype, but again, that was their opinion.

I guess when you read and visit my site and see the hype or aggressive nature it is because I am sick and tired…and the feed back from the audiences I get is that THEY are sick and tired of the so called sales guru’s still spouting their stuff when the fact remains that none of them have sold a thing in more then 20 years or more. Zig Ziglar, Tom Hopkins, etc., etc., I can go on and and on simply recycle their books and tapes, give it new art work and resell it. I find that misleading and unfortunate. As for the price of my material I believe $98 is a low, low number due to the fact that what you receive is information is worth 1,000 times that. One idea alone pays for that 10 times over, unfortunately people see it as 2 DVD’s produced for X amount of dollars and don’t really grasp the value. The seminar on the DVD that was shot in Belgium cost the attendees $575 to attend. In Saudi they paid $600 and here in the States when I sold out an event in Boston they paid $499 to see me and Blair Singer (Rich Dad Poor Dad Advisor…Sales Dogs author).

Look, I started with nothing but a credit card at age 28 as working capital and was able and very fortunate to propel that into bigger and better things. Did I make mistakes? Absolutly, but the success far outweighed the mistakes and what I learned and the strategies that I formulated to help me become successful is worth more then $98. But again, I am being biased and if not everyone feels that way when they visit the site, what can you do except get feedback from you all and revamp the message on the site so we CAN get the results we are looking for.

Lastly on the people that claim that getting in front of CEO’s is a lot harder then I make it out to be, all I know is that the techniques that I talk about helped me get in front of the CEO of PepsiCo after 2 attempts, and the CEO of Cabletron back in 1994 after 1 attempt. Since I work with the same promoters in Europe and Asia as Donald Trump, Anthony Robbins, Rudy Guiliani and Robert Kiyosaki (who was going to endorse the Ruthlss program but is now forbidden due to his new deal with Warner Books on endorsing anyone) getting a meeting or phone call to them is easier then it would be 10 years ago. But when I say that my techniques will get you in the door of ANY CEO…….I am pretty sure that they will. I have done it, so it can be done.

Again, thanks for the feed back. As far as internet marketing I have a world to learn and it is great to have someone like Stephen Gill on board to help make it happen. If any of you want to email me with further feedback please do not hesitate to email me at Also, if I am in your area you will have an open invitation to see one of my seminars at no cost so you can see for yourself if I am worth what I say.

Thanks folks…I greatly appreciate your feedback and will definitely put it into action.

Warm regards

Mark McClure
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