
Topic: Advertising/PR

Big Idea/creativity Important In Advertising - Y/n?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm doing this research on whether the "big idea" or creativity is an important aspect of advertising.... i haven't really come to a conclusion and still need ideas as to what other people think. i personally think that strategy would come before the "big idea" but i would like to hear other infos.... thanks
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  • Posted by tjh on Accepted
    "the Big Idea" - I love this.

    Check these out:

    From the guy that popularized the thought:
    Full URL:

    A How-to book about it:

    "The Big Idea Dies A Slow Death"

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” -- Albert Einstein
  • Posted by tjh on Member
    Good one Blaine.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    They are both important, but in the absence of breakthrough creativity, a solid strategy that addresses an important consumer need must come first.

    I've seen some wonderful (and very creative) advertising that was off-strategy. It hurt to have to reject it, but in the end it was the right decision.

    I've also seen some good-not-great advertising, written to express a solid strategic objective, take a business to unexpectedly high levels.

    And every now and then, I've seen brilliant, breakthrough creativity that's on strategy. That's the best!

    Do I really have to choose? Of course, we all want both. And when they work together it's even better.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi keibituin

    I agree fully with the great advice from mgoodman, Marketer and Jackson.

    IMHO, definitely Overall Marketing Strategy is the most important thing. in the Marketing Strategy there will be communication strategy and within that the Advertising Strategy exists. So of course Strategy comes first.

    But, as Marketer said, Big Idea is also important. A Well-thought-out Strategy with Big Idea will definitely do better than Well-thought-out Strategy with NO Big Idea.

    Conversely Big Idea with no Well-thought-out Strategy will be achieving short term benefits rather than Long Term growth.

    this is most happening case, i think. But i am sure the reverse way is also successful in which the Big Idea drives the Strategy although i cant remember any example of that. Someonw might shed some light on that.

    hope this helps.


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