
Topic: Advertising/PR

What's The Average Roi For Newspaper Advertising

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We just started a new advertising campaign in 2 local weekly newspapers. This is the fourth week it's been running and we have had 2 referral's. How do you think we are doing so far?? Personally I don't think it's so bad. Although we'd of course like more referrals, I think you also have to consider the fact that it's also branding our name.

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  • Posted by mktgcbb on Member
    There's a lot to consider. . .how much do the ads cost to run and are you running them once or multiple times? What's the readership? Is your product a simple sale or complex and what's the average $ value, lead time, etc? There's not enough information in your question to determine whether the customers that you got will generate enough revenue to pay for the ad and the associated COGS, etc. I'm assuming they are because you say that you think that you're doing well--but these are all factors to consider.
  • Posted on Accepted
    It varies greatly by industry.

    The newspaper industry is being destroyed as people turn to online news vs. traditional print.

    So one thing you need to make sure is that the target you are trying to reach actually reads the newspaper. I forget the exact numbers but readership for the under 40 crowd is generally very low in todays market.

    If you are trying to reach the older segment newspapers may be okay.

    Also consider that newspaper advertising also requires long campaigns and consistency. repeated exposures will have better effects than a blitz lasting only a few weeks.

    PR pieces are better if you can get them, In small towns its easier to get into newspapers by donating money to causes, or holding events, etc. Its free other than the donated money, Often gets better returns for branding than newspaper ads and can also come across as a third party recommendation if you can get the paper to cover something where the subject is saying how great your company is for helping find their puppy or for you donation to their homeless VCR shelter, or what ever you manage to come up with.

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