
Topic: Student Questions

Retailing In India:challenges And Oppurtunities In

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
i am doing my masters in ib from uk university now in my dessertation period well i have selected my dessertation topic as retailing in india and scope for international retailers . well the problem is i am not moving forward as i struggled in my lit. reveiew as not much has been researched in my topic as the due date is approachinfg fast well i am getting confused how to approach my dessertation as it is becoming more broader instead of becoming narrower as i am not getting related information as not much articles are present in indian retail as much of it is web based,

can you plz suggest what can i include in my dessertation wht objectives can i set which can be acheiveble and do i need to do primary research as i am right know in uk .please do reply asap as i am in complete mess and had to write 20000 words and can you suggest where can i get related information on my topic area.
thank you.
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  • Posted by Maximus on Accepted
    Hi Mandar,

    This is the table of content you can go for...this i prepared for RNCOS when i was working with them last year. Below I have included few sources.

    Table of Contents:
    1. Economic Overview

    2. FDI Regulations & Government Policies

    3. Demographic Profile & Consumer Behavior
    3.1 India’s Demographic Advantage
    3.2 Consumer Behavior

    4. Indian Retail Market — An Overview
    4.1 Structure Of Organized Retail Industry (2003-2004)
    4.2 Modern Retail Formats In India
    4.2.1 Hypermarkets
    4.2.2 Supermarkets
    4.2.3 Discount Stores
    4.2.4 Convenience Stores
    4.2.5 Department Stores
    4.2.6 Specialty Stores
    4.2.7 E-Tailing
    4.2.8 Malls

    5. Organized Market Size And Growth, By Segments
    5.1 Fastest Growing Retail Segments In India
    5.1.1 Food, Beverage And Consumer Goods
    5.1.2 Apparel And Footwear
    5.1.3 Consumer Durables
    5.1.4 Heath And Beauty Products
    5.1.5 Home Furnishing And Household Goods
    5.1.6 Leisure And Personal Goods (Music & Books)

    6. Mergers & Acquisition Activity

    7. Opportunities & Challenges

    8. Pest Analysis

    9. Emerging Trends & Forecast
    9.1 Organized Retailing By 2010

    10. Recent Developments & Issues

    11. Company Profiles
    11.1 Pantaloon
    11.1.1 Business Profile
    11.1.2 Strategic Overview
    11.1.3 Financial Overview
    11.1.4 Key Management Profiles And Officers
    11.1.5 Stock Performance
    11.2 Trent Limited
    11.2.1 Business Profile
    11.2.2 Strategic Overview
    11.2.3 Financial Overview
    11.2.4 Key Management Profiles And Officers
    11.3 Shoppers’ Stop Ltd.
    11.3.1 Business Profile
    11.3.2 Strategic Overview
    11.3.3 Financial Overview
    11.3.4 Stock Performance
    11.3.5 Key Management Profiles And Officers
    11.4 Archies

    11.4.1 Business Profile

    11.4.2 Strategic Overview

    11.4.3 Financial Overview

    11.4.4 Stock Performance
    11.5 Bata India Ltd.

    11.5.1 Business Profile

    11.5.2 Recent Developments

    11.5.3 Financial Overview

    11.5.4 Stock Performance

    11.5.5 Key Management Profiles And Officers
    11.6 Liberty Shoes Ltd.
    11.6.1 Business Profile
    11.6.2 Strategic Overview
    11.6.3 Financial Overview
    11.6.4 Stock Performance
    11.6.5 Key Management Profiles And Officers
    11.7 Titan Industries
    11.7.1 Business Profile
    11.7.2 Strategic Overview
    11.7.3 Financial Overview
    11.7.4 Stock Performance
    11.7.5 Key Management Profiles And Officers


    If possible i will tryto get a small report. also you can include consumer study in this report.

  • Posted by Maximus on Accepted
    hey buddy if you don't mind Can i know is there any university in UK which offers course in Market research. I am currently working as a market research executive in an korean company..but i am more keen to come to UK...i will be thankful if you let me know these things....

  • Posted on Author
    thanks for your reply. about your qus. about studying in uk well there are few courses like CIM which is a proff. course which stands for certified institute of marketing. well i can give you list of courses and and good uni. in uk as it is worth only if you study from good uni. but it costs to study in a good uni. and it is always better to get some work exp. and then come to studyin the u.k, but a word of advice if you can get into really good uni. in india gor for those as much of the future in business will focus in india and china. well iwill post you some names of good uni. and courses but you have to wait as my dessertaion is due soon, i will waiting for your articles and further information.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your reply hope i did answer your query for studying in uk.i will giv eyou more information when i get free , well can you give me some research articles regarding indian retail sector and can you inform me more on pestal analysis of indian retail sector. Thanks again for you reply, awaiting your reply.
  • Posted by Maximus on Accepted
    HI Mandar,

    I got a small report of 38 pages based indian retail sector. And it is in PDF format so can i have uyour email for that.

    Reply ASAP at my email id (given in my profile).

  • Posted by Maximus on Member
    here is some more info.

    Organised retail to cross INR 1000 billion mark by 2010
    INR 200 billion investment in the pipeline

    New Delhi, India, 26 th February 2005 - The retailing industry in India estimated at INR 930,000 crores (2003-04) is expected to grow at 5% p.a. and the organized retailing is well on its way to become an INR. 350 billion market by 2005 according to INDIA RETAIL REPORT 2005 : An IMAGES-KSA Technopak study released at the KSA Retail Summit 2005 here on Friday by Mr. Kishore Biyani, Manging Director of Pantaloon Retail, India's largest retailer. “ The size of the organized retailing market stood at Rs. 280 billion in 2004 , thereby, making up a mere 3% of the total retailing market. Moving forward, organized retailing is projected to grow at the rate of 25%-30% p.a. and is estimated to reach an astounding INR 1000 billion by 2010. Further, its contribution to total retailing sales is likely to rise to 9% by the end of the decade,” said Mr. Arvind Singhal, Chairman, KSA Technopak.
    Share of Organised Retail

    Total Retail in INR Billion
    1999 2002 2005
    7000 8250 10000

    Organized Retail (in billion INR)

    1999 2002 2005
    50 150 350

    % Share of Organized Retail
    0.70% 1.80% 3.5%

    According to Mr. Amitabh Taneja, Group Head, IMAGES & Director, International Council of shopping Centres (ICSC - India) and Indian Retail School, currently the fashion sector in India commands a lion's share in the country's organised retail pie. This is in line with the retail evolution in other parts of the world, where fashion led the retail development in the early stages of evolution and was followed by other categories like Food & Grocery, Durables etc. The report covers major sectors like Apparel, Footwear & Sportswear, Jwellery, watches, Health & Beauty (including services), Food & Grocery, Consumer Electronics, Mobile handsets & peripherals, Books, Music & Gifts, Home, Entertainment, and oil.

    Detailing reasons why Indian organized retail is at the brink of Revolution the IMAGES-KSA report says that the last few years have seen rapid transformation in many areas and setting scalable and profitable retail models across categories. Indian consumers are rapidly evolving and accepting modern formats overwhelmingly. Retail Space is no more a constraint for growth. India is on the radar of Global Retailers and suppliers / brands world-wide are willing to partner with retailers here. Further, large Indian corporate groups like Tata, Reliance, Raheja, ITC, Bombay Dyeing, Murugappa & Piramal Groups etc and also foreign investors and private equity players are firming up plans to identify investment opportunities in the Indian retail sector. The quantum of investments is likely to sky-rocket as the inherent attractiveness of the segment lures more and more investors to earn large profits. Investments into the sector are estimated at INR 20 – 25 billion in the next 2-3 years, and over INR 200 billion by end of 2010.

    Stocks in the retail sector are also becoming increasingly attractive from an investor's point of view. Successful development of value based concepts as well as development of retail space in smaller cities and towns shall drive the organized retail into the next levels of cities. Retailers have responded to this phenomenon by introducing contemporary retail formats such as hypermarkets and supermarkets in the new pockets of growth. Prominent ‘tier-II' cities and towns which are witnessing a pick-up in activity include Surat, Lucknow, Dehra Dun, Vijaywada, Bhopal, Indore, Vadodara, Coimbatore, Nasik, Bhubaneswar, Varanasi and Ludhiana among others.

    With consumption in metros already being exploited, manufacturers and retailers of products such as personal computers, mobile phones, automobiles, consumer durables, financial services etc are increasingly targeting consumers in tier II cities and towns. In addition, petro-retailing efforts of petroleum giants scattered through out the country's landscape have also ensured that smaller towns are also exposed to modern retailing formats.

    On the supply side, mall development activity in the small towns is also picking up at a rapid pace, thereby, creating quality space for retailers to fulfill their aggressive expansion plans. Thus, the ‘retail boom', 85% of which has so far been concentrated in the metros is beginning to percolate down to smaller cities and towns. The contribution of these tier-II cities to total organized retailing sales is expected to grow to 20-25%.

    Favorable demographic and psychographic changes relating to India's consumer class, international exposure, availability of increasing quality retail space, wider availability of products and brand communication are some of the factors that are driving the retail in India. Over the last few years, many international retailers have entered the Indian market on the strength of rising affluence levels of the young Indian population along with the heightened awareness of global brands and international shopping experiences and the increased availability of retail real estate pace.

    Development of India as a sourcing hub shall further make India as an attractive retail opportunity for the global retailers. Retailers like Wal-Mart, GAP, Tesco, JC Penney, H&M, Karstadt-Quelle etc stepping up their sourcing requirements from India and moving from third-party buying offices to establishing their own wholly owned / wholly managed sourcing & buying offices shall further make India as an attractive retail opportunity for the global players. Buying volumes for many of these players are already in the range of INR 10-20 billion per year, with reported plans to step up to INR 100-150 billion within the next 3-4 years.

    Manufacturers in industries such as FMCG, consumer durables, paints etc are waking up to the growing clout of the retailers as a shift in bargaining power from the former to the latter becomes more discernible. Already, a number of manufacturers in India, in line with trends in developed markets, have set up dedicated units to service the retail channel. Also, instead of viewing retailers with suspicion, or as a ‘necessary evil' as was the case earlier, manufacturers are beginning to acknowledge them as channel members to be partnered with for providing solutions to the end-consumer more effectively.

    Though lucrative opportunities exist across product categories, food and grocery, never-the-less, presents the most significant potential in the Indian context as consumer spending is highest on food. Further, ‘wet groceries' i.e. fresh fruits and vegetables is the most promising segment within food and grocery as very few organized retailers have tapped this opportunity inspite of wet groceries being the preferred choice of most Indian households.

    The next level of opportunities in terms product retail expansion lies in categories such as apparel, jewellery and accessories, consumer durables, catering services and home improvement. These sectors have already witnessed the emergence of organized formats though more players are expected to join the bandwagon. Some of the niche categories like Books, Music and Gifts offer interesting opportunities for the retail players.

    The IMAGES-KSA projections indicate that by 2015, India will have over 550 million people under the age of 20 – reflecting the gargantuan opportunities possible in the kids and teens retailing segment.
    Wholesale trading is another area, which has potential for rapid growth. German giant Metro AG and South African Shoprite Holdings have already made headway in this segment by setting up stores selling merchandise on a wholesale basis in Bangalore and Mumbai respectively. These new-format cash-and-carry stores attract large volumes from a sizeable number of retailers who do not have to maintain relationships with multiple suppliers for all their needs.

    rest is in next answer
  • Posted by Maximus on Accepted
    More articles can be taken from :

  • Posted on Member
    hi mandir,

    I am doin Phd in Retailing in India. I can help you for ur research work.


  • Posted on Member
    hi maximaus can u plz send me the report dat u wer 2 mail mandar plzzz i need really urgently waiting for ur reply
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Shruthika,
    Send your mail id I got many article on Retail as myself doing PHd in Retail and if you have some mail me to
    Hi Maximumus,
    Plz send me article and websites address As I am pusue my PHD in retail Oppurtunities in India.I will greatful to u.
    My mail id is
    With regards
    Aditya Gupta
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Shrutika,

    I am pursuing a Master's in IBM frm the University of Nottingham, UK and have based my dissrtn on the strategies used in the Indian retail sector..if you could give me ur mail id ..i cud frwrd all the reports tht i have ..on The Indian business scenario n retail....I would also appreciate if you n the others could also frward pertinent info on the same...

  • Posted on Member
    hey ppl,
    i m currently persuing my postgrad in a uk uni. and i m doing my dissertation on impact of MNCs on organised food retailers in india. can anyone help me out with some valuable informations.
    plz fwd your articles or suggestions to
  • Posted on Member

    I am Ham Kumar doing my MBA-Marketing in UK and i selected Retail Sector in India as my Dissertation topic and i am really confused and not moving further could you please help me out by giving your suggestions and mailing your work and further materials what you have ASAP....please.... please... help me .................
    Thanks in Advance

    Ham Kumar Muvalla

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