As a marketer, you spend a lot of time and money on getting people to your website so you can educate them on your offering—and, ultimately, make a sale. And I'd guess that your website is filled with text. Lots and lots of text.
Yet, video content is the most effective way to help tell your story. Video helps businesses increase brand awareness, generate leads, and ultimately, increase sales. So it's no surprise that 69% of marketing, sales, and business professionals have used video marketing, and another 31% are planning to.
Part of Google's algorithm for search rankings considers the amount of time visitors stay on your website, which is one of the many reasons the amount of video content is growing. On average, sites with video content get two more minutes of dwell time than sites that don't.
You understand that video is powerful, but maybe you're not sure what types of videos you need on your website, so here are the top three types of video that can form the foundation of a solid video content library.
1. Testimonial Video
Testimonials go a long way toward helping you build trust and credibility with your customers.
You probably already have a testimonial page on your website with some strong quotes from happy customers. But a testimonial video will bring life and authenticity to your testimonials in a way that text-based testimonials simply can't. Seeing and hearing a satisfied customer talking about their personal experience with your product or service leaves a good impression with new visitors and helps back up the claims you make on your website.
The most effective videos make people feel an emotional connection to your business. It also goes without saying that having more than one testimonial video (or featuring several speakers in one video) is ideal.
Testimonial videos can be a versatile tool: In addition to building trust and credibility, they can be used to showcase the features of your product, for example, as in this testimonial video by Slack.
Moreover, testimonial videos are affordable. They are less expensive than other types of video because they are simpler to produce: No actors or special effects are required.
On average, testimonial videos range from 30 to 60 seconds. However, if you're combining several speakers into one video, it's perfectly fine to extend the length to up to 2 minutes or so, as in the Slack example.
2. Explainer Video, AKA "How It Works" and "Who We Are"