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  • Join MarketingProfs April 24 – June 26 for AI for Demand Gen Marketers, the online event for marketers who want to see real, meaningful improvements to their demand and GTM programs using the power of AI. Over 10 live weekly sessions, you'll learn how to harness the power of AI from experts you know and trust as they cover critical whats and how-tos—live. Plus, we're recording every broadcast, so you can stream when you want on-demand.

  • Join MarketingProfs January 10 - March 13 for AI for Digital Marketers, the online event for marketers who want to improve their digital programs with the power of AI. Over 10 live weekly sessions, you'll learn how to harness the power of AI from experts you know and trust as they cover critical whats and how-tos—live. Plus, we're recording every broadcast, so you can stream when you want on-demand.

  • Combine the superpowers of predictive analytics and AI to make better data-driven decisions. Christopher S. Penn uncovers the AI tools and techniques that predict your market's future so you can plan for cyclical ups and downs and design a successful marketing strategy around those predicted changes.

  • Systematize your lead gen and nurturing workflows to identify where (and how) AI can benefit you the most. Pam Didner shares the AI-backed optimization strategies that reduce your workload, save you time, and improve your content—and how to program these tasks for repeated success.

  • Effectively targeting your B2B market requires a deep understanding of your audience, so your marketing resonates with their needs. Jason Hunt uncovers the steps to using AI to gather market insights, create impactful content strategies, and build lead magnets that drive results.

  • Brand awareness brings in your prospects. But if you want AI's help at the top of your funnel, you'll need more than a simple AI prompt. Andy Crestodina reveals the detailed AI prompts and frameworks you can use to widen your funnel, improve your message-to-market match, and increase conversions.

  • Customers increasingly favor self-education before contacting sales—giving you a remarkable opportunity to connect with your audience and contribute to revenue. Ardath Albee shows you how to create customer personas with AI and target your customers with personalized marketing strategies.

  • You're aware of AI's potential to revolutionize your demand gen programs. But how do you actually apply AI to achieve impact at scale? Matt Heinz shares real-world use cases and best practices to integrate AI across your marketing organization to enhance your customer's journey.

  • AI personalization can improve your demand gen results—but you have to be careful where you focus your efforts. Kenda Macdonald takes a deep dive into what you should be personalizing in your demand gen, what you can safely ignore, and how to use AI for more effective personalization.

  • The use of terminology related to artificial intelligence (such as "AI" and "generative AI") by media outlets has grown tremendously since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, according to recent research.

  • Explore how AI can be used in sales to improve efficiency, decision-making, and outcomes, based on insights derived from a survey of 250+ sales professionals globally. Check out the details.

  • Redefine customer engagement and drive demand with Conversational AI! Caitlin Seele explores how Conversational AI turns generic website interactions into meaningful customer experiences. Simplify your demand gen with Conversational AI's ability to personalize content with predictive analytics.

  • Delve into how AI is reshaping content marketing strategy and search engine interactions so you can prepare for the future of content and SEO. Read more.

  • Do managers think artificial intelligence will lead to fewer employees and lower salaries? To find out, researchers conducted a survey of 3,000 adults in the United States in management positions.

  • Small business marketing has a new ally in artificial intelligence. In this webinar, discover how AI can eliminate work, save you time, and make it easier to personalize the customer journey. With AI as your assistant, your small business will achieve huge results. Sponsored by Salesforce.

  • Explore how data and AI are reshaping B2B marketing, enhancing personalization, and driving customer engagement. Hear what advice and insights industry experts from Salesforce share.

  • Are PR pros using generative AI to help with their jobs? If so, what sorts of tasks are they using AI programs for? Find out.

  • There's no shortage of AI tools. But the quality of the results you get are directly related to the prompts you feed those tools. Christopher S. Penn (chief data scientist at Trust Insights) uncovers the magic of AI prompting, his favorite structure to engineer your own high-performing prompts, and more.

  • Reach your buyers where they hang out—social media—and let AI do the heavy work! Brooke Sellas (CEO of B Squared Media) uncovers AI tools and strategies to transform your social marketing, raise engagement, and grow your brand reputation... plus the ethical concerns that make or break brand trust with buyers.

  • What many of us are worried about is not inevitable. You don't have to surrender your craft or creativity or the joy you find in it to AI or Silicon Valley. Nor do you have to surrender your ethics. You have a choice.