The Fun Continues...!
Last week's MarketingProfs B2B Forum might be over, but the fun goes on.... Well, at least the blog posts, and videos, and tweets continue. Here are some of my favorite videos, photos, and blog posts from this past week: Keynote Steven Berlin Johnson, who wrote the cover story for last week's Time magazine on Twitter, tells our own Kyla Cullinane Why Twitter Matters. Three marketers volunteered to have their social media campaigns analyzed by social media expert and MarketingProfs contributor Jason Baer, who tells them What Works in B2B. Speaker Christopher Penn takes home Souvenirs from the B2B Forum. Sandy Carter from IBM reminded Beth Harte to remind marketers not to be a social media tease. Mack Collier offers lessons on producing great events in Five Reasons Why Your Business or Social Media Conference Sucks. Mike Damphousse gathers the Twitter IDs of B2B Forum speakers. Check out the photos from the event here. And finally, Steve Woodruff recaps the whole event. (Not full yet? Check out more blog coverage in the comments here.)