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This Week's Marketing How-To

How to Win the Hearts and Minds of Hispanic Customers

By Jorge Aguilar and Andrew Pierce. Enduring brand loyalty can be built among Hispanics, but not by using tactics that work for white Middle America. Get the full story >

Case Study

How a Video Podcast Series Garnered a Top Industry Award and 68,500 views in 12 Months

Company: Tellabs
Location: Naperville, Ill.
Industry: Telecommunications, B2B
Get the full story >
This Week's Top Articles

A Sample Social Media Toolkit
By Chris Brogan. Here are a few sample tools as well as ideas on how to use them effectively. Get the full story >

TransPromo Is Born
By Sandra Zoratti and Mark Weishaar. What's this new buzzword "TransPromo" all about? Get the full story >

Four Ways to Grow Your Email File Organically: It Is So Worth the Wait
By Kimberly Snyder. When it comes to growing your email subscription files, don't settle for a quick fix. Get the full story >

The Myth of Differentiation
By Mike Schultz. Most everything you've read and heard about differentiation is wrong. Get the full story >

MarketingProfs Online Seminars

Using Facebook to Market Your Offering, Enhance Your Brand, and Develop Community
June 26

A Note to Readers
from Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer

Who's On First?

There's been lots of great buzz about the MarketingProfs B2B Driving Sales forum. Greg Verdino,
Jayne Karolow
, Amanda Gravel, and Robert Lesser shared the love on their own blogs.


The pretty girl at the dance last week seemed to be social media: During a number of sessions, marketers were looking for information about social media tools, how to get started, and how marketers might use them. As Christopher Penn wrote on his blog, "Social media is sexy. Social media is the hot new thing."

(BTW, Christopher Penn was the hot new thing for me last week. He pinch-hit for speaker Karen Breen Vogel (who was delayed in Chicago), and subsequently hit it clear out of the park....)

But here's the thing: Chris says, "Social media comes LAST, gang." What comes first is great content, a friendly user interface, and search engine optimization.

Those "are the basics you MUST have in place prior to diving into social media, or else you’ll be wasting time, energy, and the limited slice of attention your audience is giving you - and they won’t give you again," he says.

Great perspective from Chris. You can read the whole post here.

Thanks for stopping by! See you next week.

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