Getting to the Point of B2B
Last summer, we began to introduce a few snack-sized newsletters covering the topics of Small Business, Marketing Inspiration, Customer Behavior and Email Marketing. We called them "Get to the Po!nt," because the emphasis is on a clear takeaway with a single, well... point. Now, the latest in our snack newsletter aislehits the street: B2B Marketing, with the tagline, "Generate Leads and Drive Sales in B2B Marketing." And – how cool is this? – Lester Wunderman (yes, THAT Lester Wunderman!) agreed to be a source for the first issue. You can see the full article he wrote in this issue of MarketingProfs Today, and you can read our distilled Get to the Po!nt version here. Better yet, sign up to receive all of the future weekly B2B Get to the Po!nts here, so you won't miss a one. Speaking of B2B, seats are filling up at our June B2B Forum in Boston, Driving Sales: What's New + What Sticks. Don't miss our keynotes Dan Ariely and David Meerman Scott, who speak June 9 and 10, respectively, along with a roster of other speakers that reads like a Who's Who in B2B Marketing. See who I'm referring to here. Please join us. Hope to see you in Boston!