Swig a Shot of Inspiration
Our snack-sized Get to the Po!nt newsletters have been consistently good lately. But yesterday's issue of GTTP: Marketing Inspiration really hit the mark. So, I’m recounting it here, with a gentle reminder to check out Marketing Inspiration and its brethren. Yesterday's issue described a television ad for a service called Lifelock, which shows a large panel truck cruising the streets of Manhattan with the social security number of its CEO Todd Davis emblazoned in a bright red, easy-to-read font. My friend (and MarketingProfs Daily Fix blogger) Lewis Green told me that he always considered it a farce -- and I did, too. But it's not. Actually, "it turns out Davis isn't out of his mind," reads Marketing Inspiration. "Instead, he's actually making the best possible case for his product. 'Why publish my social security number?' he asks. 'Because I'm absolutely confident LifeLock is protecting my good name and personal information, just like it will yours.' He finishes off by announcing a $1 million guarantee." "You can probably anticipate why we consider this Marketing Inspiration: By making himself as vulnerable to identity theft as anyone can possibly be, Davis exhibits a breathtaking confidence in the service he sells. "How we can convey that level of faith in our own companies?" it asks. Check out Monday’s issue of Marketing Inspriration, or sign up for the newsletter here. And.. enjoy! p.s. Another gentle reminder: More than 4,000 marketers have reserved their seat at the B2B 2.0 Expo! There's no reason to miss it – the program rocks, and it's FREE.