Tell Us What You Think
You know how I often write here, "And please let us know what you think?" Well, big news: Starting today on MarketingProfs, you'll be able to share your thoughts with not just me, but with the whole MP community.
Starting today, we've added the ability for readers to rank the usefulness of each article with one to five stars, as well as given you a field to add your own thoughts and comments to any given piece.
I'm a big proponent of reader feedback, so I'm excited about this new feature and am thrilled to see it in action. So as you read today's articles, I sure hope you are in a talkative mood and inspired to add your two pesos! Also today, a reminder to register (if you haven't already) for the FREE March 5 virtual conference, the MarketingProfs B2B 2.0 Expo. Thus far, just over 3,000 B2B marketers have saved their seats for the event – so don't miss out! Register here today. And as always: Thanks for stopping by!